Welcome to Earth, the story so far… at High Tide


Artists: Joel Dean, Derek Frech, Mia Goyette, Oa4s, Libby Rothfeld, Sydney Shen, Eric Veit

Exhibition title: Welcome to Earth, the story so far…

Venue: High Tide, Philadelphia, US

Date: February 27 – March 26, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and High Tide, Philadelphia



Libby Rothfeld at First Continent

Artist: Libby Rothfeld Venue: First Continent, Baltimore, US Date: November 14 – December 19, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Shanaynay, Paris At what precise moment… …does an individual stop being who he thinks he is? You know, I don’t like complications. Cut off my arm. I say, “Me and my arm.” … Read more