Whitney Biennial 2022: Quiet as It’s Kept at Whitney Museum of American Art

Artists: Lisa Alvarado, Harold Ancart, Mónica Arreola, Emily Barker, Yto Barrada, Rebecca Belmore, Jonathan Berger, Nayland Blake, Cassandra Press, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Raven Chacon, Leidy Churchman, Tony Cokes, Jacky Connolly, Matt Connors, Alex Da Corte, Aria Dean, Danielle Dean, Jane Dickson, Buck Ellison, Alia Farid, Coco Fusco, Ellen Gallagher, A Gathering of the Tribes /Steve Cannon, Cy Gavin, Adam Gordon, Renée Green, Pao Houa Her, EJ Hill, Alfredo Jaar, Rindon Johnson, Ivy Kwan Arce, Julie Tolentino, Ralph Lemon, Duane Linklater, James Little, Rick Lowe, Daniel Joseph Martinez, Dave McKenzie, Rodney McMillian, Na Mira, Alejandro “Luperca” Morales, Moved by the Motion (Wu Tsang and Tosh Basco), Terence Nance, Woody De Othello, Adam Pendleton, N. H. Pritchard, Lucy Raven, Charles Ray, Jason Rhoades, Andrew Roberts, Guadalupe Rosales, Veronica Ryan, Rose Salane, Michael E. Smith, Sable Elyse Smith, Awilda Sterling-Duprey, Rayyane Tabet, Denyse Thomasos, Trinh T. Minh-ha, WangShui, Eric Wesley, Dyani White Hawk, Kandis Williams

Exhibition title: Whitney Biennial 2022: Quiet as It’s Kept

Curated by: David Breslin and Adrienne Edwards

Venue: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, US

Date: April 6 – September 5, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and ©Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

Altered After at Participant Inc

Artists: Julie Tolentino, Jason Simon, Jerry the Marble Faun, Manuel Solano, Raúl de Nieves, fierce pussy, Cookie Mueller, Kang Seung Lee, Ronald Lockett, Jonathan Molina-Garcia, Leslie Kaliades, Gail Thacker, Darrel Ellis, General Idea, XFR Collective

Exhibition title: Altered After

Curated by: Conrad Ventur for Visual Aids


Date: July 10 – August 18, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and PARTICIPANT INC

Note: Press release can be here