grounded at Berthold Pott

Artists: Jonathan Binet, June Crespo, Lindsay Lawson, Johanna von Monkiewtisch, Michail Pirgelis, Dash Snow, Julie Villard & Simon Brossard

Exhibition title: grounded

Venue: Berthold Pott, Cologne, Germany

Date: June 12 – August 7, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Berthold Pott, Cologne

We Melt Before It Forms at Galerie Britta Rettberg

Artist: Mark Corfield-Moore, Judith Goddard, Jeschkelanger, Caro Jost, Ma Qiusha, Anita Witek

Exhibition title: We Melt Before It Forms

Curated by: Joseph Constable

Venue: Galerie Britta Rettberg, Munich, Germany

Date: May 7 – June 17, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Galerie Britta von Rettberg, Munich