Overview at SAMUEL


Artists: Noah Barker, Jack Bechtler, Edward Brady, Megan Capps, Rob Chavasse, Francisco Cordero-Oceguera, Ala Dehghan, Louis Eisner, Gery Georgieva, Nathaniel Grossman, Amir Guberstein, Joey Holder, Hannah Lees, Ryan Lowry, Th omas Lynch, Russell Maurice, Sarah McMenimen, Luis Miguel Bendaña, Jordan Nassar, Chiara No, Yuri Pattison, Michael Ray-Von, Diego Salvador Rios, Albie Samreth, Ben Sansbury,Cory Scozzari, Jenn Smith, Lewis Teague Wright, Augustus Thompson & Bennet Schlesinger, Cali Th ornhill Dewitt, Steven Vainberg, Carla Valdivia, Suzanna Zak, Bruno Zhu

Exhibition title: Overview

Curated by: Lewis Teague Wright

Venue: SAMUEL, Chicago, US

Date: January 27 – February 26, 2017

Photography: Alexander Rotondo, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and SAMUEL, Chicago

Note: Exhibition booklet can be found here



EUROPA AND THE BULL at Lambda Lambda Lambda


Artists: Lupo Borgonovo, Chelsea Culprit, Francisco Cordero-Oceguera, Caspar Heinemann, Hannah Lees, Jimmy Merris, Daniele Milvio, Temra Pavlovic, Ahmet Ogut, Jala Wahid

Exhibition title: EUROPA AND THE BULL

Curated by: Attilia Fattori Franchini

Venue: Lambda Lambda Lambda, Pristhina, Kosovo

Date: July 2 – September 11, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Lambda Lambda Lambda



Elsa-Louise Manceaux and Jordi Boldó at Yautepec


Artists: Elsa-Louise Manceaux and Jordi Boldó

Exhibition title: up down strange charm beauty truth

Curated by: Francisco Cordero-Oceguera and Brett W Schultz

Venue: Yautepec, Mexico City

Date:  April 14 – June 11, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Yautepec, Mexico City

