True Believer at The Pony Club


Artists: Bernadette Corporation, Stephanie Hier, Brian Kokoska, Sebastian Sommer, Tom Volkaert

Exhibition title: True Believer

Curated by: Goedele Bartholomeeusen

Venue: The Pony Club, Antwerp, Belgium

Date: August 5 – September 25, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Michaël Smits



SPECIAL FEATURE: Four Stomachs by Nina Beier

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Artist: Nina Beier

Exhibition title: Four Stomachs

Curated by: Chris Fitzpatrick

Venue: Objectif Exhibitions, Director’s apartment, Sint-Anna Tunnel, Antwerp, Belgium

Date:  April 21, 2012 – July 1, 2015

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist, Objectif Exhibitions, Croy Nielsen, Berlin and Laura Bartlett Gallery, London

