Mountain Friends at Fred & Ferry

Artists: Kaï-Chun Chang, Daniele Formica, Maja Klaassens, Nishiko & Mirthe Klück

Exhibition title: Mountain Friends

Initiated by: Mirthe Klück

Venue: Fred & Ferry, Antwerp, Belgium

Date: January 13 – February 10, 2024

Photography: Tomas Uyttendaele / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Fred & Ferry, Antwerp

Environmental Abstraction: ARCHIPELAGO at Base-Alpha

Artists: Isabelle Borges, Bram Braam, Lars Breuer, DAG, Martijn Schuppers, Katleen Vinck

Exhibition title: Environmental Abstraction: ARCHIPELAGO

Venue: Base-Alpha, Antwerp, Belgium

Date: November 11 – December 23, 2023

Photography: ©We Document Art, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Base-Alpha, Antwerp

Jana Coorevits at Fred & Ferry

Artist: Jana Coorevits (with Lydia Hannah Debeer, Lot Doms, Saskia Van der Gucht, Lien Hüwels, Rosa John, Lola Pertsowsky)

Exhibition title: Matter on Its Dance Through Time

Venue: Fred & Ferry, Antwerp, Belgium

Date: November 25 – December 23, 2023

Photography: Tomas Uyttendaele / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Fred & Ferry, Antwerp