Walking Point at Greene Naftali

Artists: Mary Ann Aitken, Lutz Bacher, Paul Chan, Tony Conrad, Dan Flavin, Isa Genzken, Rachel Harrison, Wally Hedrick, Craig Kalpakjian, Tetsumi Kudo, Lee Lozano, Pope.L, Andrew Ross, Martin Wong

Exhibition title: Walking Point

Venue: Greene Naftali, New York, US

Date: February 16 – March 10, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Greene Naftali, New York

Andrew Ross at Clima

Artist: Andrew Ross

Exhibition title: Chassis

Venue: Clima, Milan, Italy

Date: June 24 – September 9, 2017

Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Clima, Milan

Blue Plate Special at Dead Horse Bay


Artists: Aline Bouvy, Anima Correa, Andrew Ross, Larissa Lockshin, Nick Fusaro, Pamela Council, Stephanie Hier, Sydney Shen

Exhibition title: Blue Plate Special

Venue: Dead Horse Bay, New York, US

Date: October 1, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists