
Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein at Kunstverein Freiburg

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein at Kunstverein Freiburg

Artists: Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein

Exhibition title: Der næchste freie Mitarbeiter wird sich kummern

Curated by: Heinrich Dietz

Venue: Kunstverein Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

Date: January 25 – March 8, 2020

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Kunstverein Freiburg

Care must be taken to ensure good and proper lighting. The composition should be arranged in such a way that lines merge into one another or fade out into nothingness. Run out!*

Walking away a little, I disappeared into a field, treading softly, and laid myself down to rest a while, seen by no one and content to be divested from those insane conditions.

My willingness to buy was already noticeably diminishing.

Written is as follows: a sense of projected situational trajectories and possible future interactions between concrete situations and potential futures (= a dynamic body-world-relationship). Note: it ought, at that, to be a matter of technologica omnitenens; of nothing less than survival.

My body found the conditions difficult, to intently pursue a single thing in perpetuity. There was rarely anything truly complicated in my occupations. To be alone seemed ok, to do one thing alone, terrible. Find favourite pastimes!


* Preferably messily and incoherently.

Janitzky and Stein collaboratively produce the magazine MUSS STERBEN (, meaning ‘must die’, which has appeared approximately twice a year since 2014. Taking a loose, conceptual approach, the magazine compiles observational fragments, analysis and images to create a collage of a present age gone mad. The title of each issue sentences a topic to death, so far having declared that Munich, gardens, Zurich, sex, Europe, wifi, Copenhagen and fashion must die. In addition, they have recurrently exhibited together in a variety of collaborative contexts. Stephan Janitzky works in a bookshop in Munich. He creates performance pieces, installations, collages and writes. Sebastian Stein lives in Hanover, where he occasionally organizes events at Ruine HQ (

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Fashion#1, 2020, acrylic, C-print, plastic foil, tape, wire fence, wire rope Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Der næchste freie Mitarbeiter wird sich kummern, installation view, Kunstverein Freiburg, 2020 Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Der næchste freie Mitarbeiter wird sich kummern, installation view, Kunstverein Freiburg, 2020 Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Büchertisch MUSS STERBEN #1-#7,5, 2014-2020, table, lamp, cactus Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Der næchste freie Mitarbeiter wird sich kummern, installation view, Kunstverein Freiburg, 2020 Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Der næchste freie Mitarbeiter wird sich kummern, installation view, Kunstverein Freiburg, 2020 Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Der næchste freie Mitarbeiter wird sich kummern, installation view, Kunstverein Freiburg, 2020 Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, #bookyMcBookface, 2020, books, safety ropes, 2 lamps Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Shelter, 2020, plastic foil, tape, tent poles, rollable tripods Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Ungebetene Gäste, 2020, acrylic, C-print, plastic foil, tape, wire fence, wire rope, kettlebell Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Der næchste freie Mitarbeiter wird sich kummern, installation view, Kunstverein Freiburg, 2020 Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Der næchste freie Mitarbeiter wird sich kummern, installation view, Kunstverein Freiburg, 2020 Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Der næchste freie Mitarbeiter wird sich kummern, installation view, Kunstverein Freiburg, 2020 Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Der næchste freie Mitarbeiter wird sich kummern, installation view, Kunstverein Freiburg, 2020 Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Der næchste freie Mitarbeiter wird sich kummern, installation view, Kunstverein Freiburg, 2020 Photo: Marc Doradzillo

Stephan Janitzky & Sebastian Stein, Der næchste freie Mitarbeiter wird sich kummern, installation view, Kunstverein Freiburg, 2020 Photo: Marc Doradzillo

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