
Sophie Friedman-Pappas at Alyssa Davis Gallery

Artist: Sophie Friedman-Pappas

Exhibition title: Transfer Station

Organized by: Octagon (Moira Sims)

Venue: Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, US

Date: June 12 – August 15, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York

Note: Press release is available here

Installation view, Transfer Station, Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, NY, 2021. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Installation view, Transfer Station, Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, NY, 2021. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Tree in Perfect Circles Organized from the Top, 2020. Phragmites, dried masking tape, hide glue, sand, soil from One Chase Manhattan Plaza’s planter, LEDs, hair tie, hair, fingernails, and a hand carved toy broom. 12 x 4 x 4 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Scale Model Figure #1, 2020. Dog bone, found plastic toy, hide glue, sand, and praying mantises. 5 x 4 x 3 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Scale Model Figure #1, 2020. Dog bone, found plastic toy, hide glue, sand, and praying mantises. 5 x 4 x 3 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Installation view, Transfer Station, Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, NY, 2021. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Installation view, Transfer Station, Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, NY, 2021. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. City Full of Soil (One Chase Manhattan Plaza), 2020. Hide glue, sand, phragmites, saprophytic fungi, penicillium mold, dried rawhide, hand-dug clay, new urban soil, broken diorama, wood from Noah’s Ark toy, pine rosin, and artificial caviar. 22 x 6 x 10 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. City Full of Soil (One Chase Manhattan Plaza), 2020. Hide glue, sand, phragmites, saprophytic fungi, penicillium mold, dried rawhide, hand-dug clay, new urban soil, broken diorama, wood from Noah’s Ark toy, pine rosin, and artificial caviar. 22 x 6 x 10 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. City Full of Soil (One Chase Manhattan Plaza), 2020 (detail). Hide glue, sand, phragmites, saprophytic fungi, penicillium mold, dried rawhide, hand-dug clay, new urban soil, broken diorama, wood from Noah’s Ark toy, pine rosin, and artificial caviar. 22 x 6 x 10 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. City Full of Soil (One Chase Manhattan Plaza), 2020 (detail). Hide glue, sand, phragmites, saprophytic fungi, penicillium mold, dried rawhide, hand-dug clay, new urban soil, broken diorama, wood from Noah’s Ark toy, pine rosin, and artificial caviar. 22 x 6 x 10 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Heat Island, 2020. Urine-tanned cod leather, artificial sinew, saprophytic fungi, penicillium mold, aloe fibers, charcoal, watercolor, Apoxie Sculpt, found objects, thread, grade stake, and aluminum foil. 22 x 10 x 8 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Heat Island, 2020. Urine-tanned cod leather, artificial sinew, saprophytic fungi, penicillium mold, aloe fibers, charcoal, watercolor, Apoxie Sculpt, found objects, thread, grade stake, and aluminum foil. 22 x 10 x 8 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Heat Island, 2020. Urine-tanned cod leather, artificial sinew, saprophytic fungi, penicillium mold, aloe fibers, charcoal, watercolor, Apoxie Sculpt, found objects, thread, grade stake, and aluminum foil. 22 x 10 x 8 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Heat Island, 2020 (detail). Urine-tanned cod leather, artificial sinew, saprophytic fungi, penicillium mold, aloe fibers, charcoal, watercolor, Apoxie Sculpt, found objects, thread, grade stake, and aluminum foil. 22 x 10 x 8 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Heat Island, 2020 (detail). Urine-tanned cod leather, artificial sinew, saprophytic fungi, penicillium mold, aloe fibers, charcoal, watercolor, Apoxie Sculpt, found objects, thread, grade stake, and aluminum foil. 22 x 10 x 8 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Installation view, Transfer Station, Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, NY, 2021. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Into the Wind, 2020. Graphite, colored pencil, and watercolor on paper. 10 x 14 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Into the Wind, 2020. Graphite, colored pencil, and watercolor on paper. 10 x 14 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. They Spoke of this Fruit with Grimaces of Disgust, 2020. Graphite, colored pencil, and watercolor on paper. 10 x 14 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. They Spoke of this Fruit with Grimaces of Disgust, 2020. Graphite, colored pencil, and watercolor on paper. 10 x 14 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Pitch Coating, 2021. Cast iron, pine rosin, watercolor, NeverWetTM, and WD40. Dimensions variable. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Pitch Coating, 2021 (detail). Cast iron, pine rosin, watercolor, NeverWetTM, and WD40. Dimensions variable. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Pitch Coating, 2021 (detail). Cast iron, pine rosin, watercolor, NeverWetTM, and WD40. Dimensions variable. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Pitch Coating, 2021 (detail). Cast iron, pine rosin, watercolor, NeverWetTM, and WD40. Dimensions variable. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Pitch Coating, 2021 (detail). Cast iron, pine rosin, watercolor, NeverWetTM, and WD40. Dimensions variable. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Pitch Coating, 2021 (detail). Cast iron, pine rosin, watercolor, NeverWetTM, and WD40. Dimensions variable. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Pitch Coating, 2021 (detail). Cast iron, pine rosin, watercolor, NeverWetTM, and WD40. Dimensions variable. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Installation view, Transfer Station, Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, NY, 2021. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Installation view, Transfer Station, Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, NY, 2021. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Hide Pile, 2021. Urine-tanned sheepskin, and dollhouse furniture. 3.5 x 2 x 2 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Hide Pile, 2021 (detail). Urine-tanned sheepskin, and dollhouse furniture. 3.5 x 2 x 2 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. City Full of Sticks (Sculpture), 2020. Brick, found object, and plastic sequin. 8 x 3.5 x 12 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Spotted Cake Topper, 2019. Toy stroller, bee, rawhide, electric candle, and tape. 7 x 10 x 5 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Spotted Cake Topper, 2019 (detail). Toy stroller, bee, rawhide, electric candle, and tape. 7 x 10 x 5 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Scale Model Figure #2, 2019. Carved and burnt found wood, hide glue, found plastic bottle, and sand. 5 x 4 x 4 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Scale Model Figure #2, 2019 (detail). Carved and burnt found wood, hide glue, found plastic bottle, and sand. 5 x 4 x 4 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Perfect Circles Organized from the Top, 2020. Graphite, colored pencil, and watercolor on paper. 9 x 12 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Perfect Circles Organized from the Top, 2020. Graphite, colored pencil, and watercolor on paper. 9 x 12 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Installation view, Transfer Station, Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, NY, 2021. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Untitled, 2021. Graphite, pomegranate juice, and watercolor on paper. 8 x 6 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Untitled, 2021. Graphite, pomegranate juice, and watercolor on paper. 8 x 6 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Installation view, Transfer Station, Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, NY, 2021. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Big Fish Eat Little Fish (After Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s engraving of the same name, 1557), 2020. Graphite, colored pencil, and watercolor on paper. 10 x 14 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. Big Fish Eat Little Fish (After Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s engraving of the same name, 1557), 2020. Graphite, colored pencil, and watercolor on paper. 10 x 14 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Installation view, Transfer Station, Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, NY, 2021. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. City Full of Sticks, 2020. Graphite and colored pencil on paper. 12 x 9 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. City Full of Sticks, 2020. Graphite and colored pencil on paper. 12 x 9 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

Sophie Friedman-Pappas. City Full of Sticks, 2020. Graphite and colored pencil on paper. 12 x 9 inches. Photo: Timothy Mahoney

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