
Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin at Holiday Forever

Artists: Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin

Exhibition title: Menschenretter Almanac

Venue: Holiday Forever, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, US

Date: December 2, 2017 – January 17, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Holiday Forever

2017 / 1438 / 5777 / 3102 / 2770 / 1466 / 6767 / 1424 / 1379 / 2561 / 7525 / 4713 / 1733 / 3183 / 12017 / 1395 / 4350 / 549 / 106 / 2144 / 1483228800

1.A. –
Subject A is on one side of a raging river. There are no bridges. There is no boat. Subject A shouts out to Subject B on the opposite bank. “How do I get to the other side?” Subject B shouts back: “You are on the other side.”

2. C. –
He put a small black bitter-tasting pellet on my tongue. I gagged. Brother Martin held my jaws shut and stroked my throat until I swallowed it. After a while, the pain in my wounds lessened. I leaned back on the mattress. And I dropped off to sleep like a rock off the edge of a precipice.

5.D. –
The animistic sign of the primitive, then, is summoned in the very act of precise documentation that supposedly inaugurates rationality. The anxiety that the Real will be eaten up by the spectre of the primitive returns in the image.

7.E. –
♪ So you children of the world / listen to what I say / If you want a better place to live in / spread the words today / Show the world that love is still alive / you must be brave / Or you children of today are / Children of the grave ♪

9.B. –
Now when he was not hindering her, she knew what to do, and without looking at what was under her feet, and to her vexation stumbling over a high stump into the water, but righting herself with her strong, supple legs, she began making the circle which was to make all clear to her. She stood still, feeling more and more conscious of it, and enjoying it in anticipation.

12.F. –
“If you want to see me with your own eyes, go to the Natural History Museum in Bern. There you will see my stuffed body in a glass case. I apologize in advance for my appearance. They repaired me and patched me and added fur and stuffing in 1923, raising my head to show me in a less humble pose. In spite of all their efforts, I no longer look very much like myself.”

Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin, Menschenretter Almanac, 2017-2018, exhibition view, Holiday Forever

Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin, Menschenretter Almanac, 2017-2018, exhibition view, Holiday Forever

Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin, Menschenretter Almanac, 2017-2018, exhibition view, Holiday Forever

Rebecca R Peel, Indistinct Access Points for the Sweet and Unsuspecting (memorial timekeepsake 1), 2017, Print on cotton, nylon straps, tarp material, paw printed pow cub mittens, survival whistle

Rebecca R Peel, Indistinct Access Points for the Sweet and Unsuspecting (memorial timekeepsake 1), 2017, Print on cotton, nylon straps, tarp material, paw printed pow cub mittens, survival whistle

Rebecca R Peel, Peak Aptitude, 2017, Retired Nordic skis, swiss army knife, 197 United Nations peace medal replica in original packaging, homemade eclipse viewer, notebook and pen, ski patrol training handout, lens cloth, paracord and hardware, ziplock bag

Rebecca R Peel, Peak Aptitude, 2017, Retired Nordic skis, swiss army knife, 197 United Nations peace medal replica in original packaging, homemade eclipse viewer, notebook and pen, ski patrol training handout, lens cloth, paracord and hardware, ziplock bag

Dennis Witkin, Missing Udi Lamppost #1, 2017, Epoxy clay, plaster, balsa wood, cal tint, charcoal, patina, graphite, pvc

Dennis Witkin, Missing Udi Lamppost #1, 2017, Epoxy clay, plaster, balsa wood, cal tint, charcoal, patina, graphite, pvc

Dennis Witkin, Untitled (alley chase), 2017, Acrylic, oil polymer clay, epoxy clay on canvas board, screws, plaster

Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin, Menschenretter Almanac, 2017-2018, exhibition view, Holiday Forever

Dennis Witkin, Chase with Moon (thinking mezzaluna), 2017, Epoxy clay, wood, stainless steel, cal tint

Dennis Witkin, Chase with Moon (thinking mezzaluna), 2017, Epoxy clay, wood, stainless steel, cal tint

Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin, Menschenretter Almanac, 2017-2018, exhibition view, Holiday Forever

Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin, Menschenretter Almanac, 2017-2018, exhibition view, Holiday Forever

Rebecca R Peel, Elegant Cat Death 1, 2017, Active hard snow skis, retired backpack, nylon strap, sunbleached neck gaiter, gloves, medical tape

Rebecca R Peel, Elegant Cat Death 1, 2017, Active hard snow skis, retired backpack, nylon strap, sunbleached neck gaiter, gloves, medical tape

Dennis Witkin, Missing Udi Lamppost #2, 2017, Epoxy clay, plaster, balsa wood, cal tint, charcoal, patina, graphite, pvc

Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin, Menschenretter Almanac, 2017-2018, exhibition view, Holiday Forever

Dennis Witkin, Untitled (the lookout), 2017, Acrylic, oil polymer clay, epoxy clay on canvas board, screws, plaster

Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin, Menschenretter Almanac, 2017-2018, exhibition view, Holiday Forever

Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin, Menschenretter Almanac, 2017-2018, exhibition view, Holiday Forever

Dennis Witkin, Untitled (udi’s fireplace), 2017, Acrylic, oil polymer clay, epoxy clay on canvas board, screws, plaster

Dennis Witkin, Untitled (udi’s fireplace), 2017, Acrylic, oil polymer clay, epoxy clay on canvas board, screws, plaster

Rebecca R Peel, Versus a Salad Bar at a Local Convenience Store (memorial timekeepsake 2), 2017, Print on cotton, nylon straps, tarp material, Bill Campbell gloves, trail map, unsung karaoke submission sheets

Rebecca R Peel, Versus a Salad Bar at a Local Convenience Store (memorial timekeepsake 2), 2017, Print on cotton, nylon straps, tarp material, Bill Campbell gloves, trail map, unsung karaoke submission sheets

Dennis Witkin, Missing Udi Lamppost #3 (together again), 2017, Epoxy clay, plaster, polymer clay balsa wood, cal tint, patina, charcoal, graphite, pvc

Dennis Witkin, Missing Udi Lamppost #3 (together again), 2017, Epoxy clay, plaster, polymer clay balsa wood, cal tint, patina, charcoal, graphite, pvc

Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin, Menschenretter Almanac, 2017-2018, exhibition view, Holiday Forever

Rebecca R Peel, Alpine Alliance Oddities, 2017, Shoebox, dust, patterned fleece, medical tape, wood, sculpey clay, sunbleached neck gaiter, handmade hat, snowmobile mittens, carved moose antler 1998-2017

Rebecca R Peel, Alpine Alliance Oddities, 2017, Shoebox, dust, patterned fleece, medical tape, wood, sculpey clay, sunbleached neck gaiter, handmade hat, snowmobile mittens, carved moose antler 1998-2017

Rebecca R Peel, Elegant Cat Death 2, 2017, Retired skis, active backpack, nylon strap, sunbleached neck gaiter, gloves, medical tape

Rebecca R Peel, Elegant Cat Death 2, 2017, Retired skis, active backpack, nylon strap, sunbleached neck gaiter, gloves, medical tape

Dennis Witkin, Chase with Moon (observant mezzaluna), 2017, Epoxy clay, wood, stainless steel, cal tint

Dennis Witkin, Chase with Moon (observant mezzaluna), 2017, Epoxy clay, wood, stainless steel, cal tint

Rebecca R Peel, Peak Altitude, 2017, Retired Nordic skis, acetazolamide drug information sheet, 2 in 1 toothbrusth and percussion hammer, 1973 United Nations peace medal in original packaging, wildlife notebook, lens cloth, paracord and hardware, ziplock bag

Rebecca R Peel, Peak Altitude, 2017, Retired Nordic skis, acetazolamide drug information sheet, 2 in 1 toothbrusth and percussion hammer, 1973 United Nations peace medal in original packaging, wildlife notebook, lens cloth, paracord and hardware, ziplock bag

Rebecca R Peel, Can it be saved and should it be saved, 2017, Medical tape

Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin, Menschenretter Almanac, 2017-2018, exhibition view, Holiday Forever

Rebecca R Peel, O, O, O Obstacle, 2017, Pencil on paper, medical tape, historic ski patrol sign, beetle kill sticks, fluorescent flagging tape

Dennis Witkin, Bowl, 2017, Epoxy clay, plaster, polymer clay, cal tint, patina, charcoal, graphite, bean pods, dried lemon

Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin, Menschenretter Almanac, 2017-2018, exhibition view, Holiday Forever

Dennis Witkin, Chase with Moon, Stars, Planets, 2017, Graphite on paper, epoxy clay, cal tint, patina, artist frame

Dennis Witkin, Chase with Moon, Stars, Planets, 2017, Graphite on paper, epoxy clay, cal tint, patina, artist frame

Rebecca R Peel & Dennis Witkin, Menschenretter Almanac, 2017-2018, exhibition view, Holiday Forever

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November 19, 2016