
Raphael Langmair at P/////AKT

Raphael Langmair, Mind Circle, 2015

Artist: Raphael Langmair

Exhibition title: To Whom It May Concern

Venue: P/////AKT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Date:  March 13 – April 10, 2016

Photography: Rob van de Werdt, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and P/////AKT

Note: Exhibition text can be found here

Raphael Langmair, Egg, 2016

Raphael Langmair, Egg, 2016--

Raphael Langmair, Free, 2016

Raphael Langmair, Free, detail, 2016

Raphael Langmair, Mantra, videostill, 2016

Raphael Langmair, Mantra, videostill, 2016-

Raphael Langmair, Mantra, videostill, 2016--

Raphael Langmair, Mind Circle, 2015

Raphael Langmair, Mind Circle, detail, 2015

Raphael Langmair, Rock 09-04-2013, 2013

Raphael Langmair, To Whom It May Concern, installation view, 2016

Raphael Langmair, To Whom It May concern, installation view, 2016----

Raphael Langmair, To Whom It May Concern, installation view, 2016-----

Raphael Langmair, Two years of darkness, two years of light, 2015

Raphael Langmair, Wall, 2016

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