Annabelle Agbo Godeau at Alice Amati
Annabelle Agbo Godeau at Alice Amati
Magnus Andersen at palace enterprise
Magnus Andersen at palace enterprise
Alfred Boman at ISSUES
Alfred Boman at ISSUES
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Comedy Club at Comedy Club Berlin


Artists: Tamina Amadyar, Paul Barsch, Burkhard Beschow & Anne Fellner, Robert Brambora, Jens Einhorn, Tilman Hornig, Erik Larsson, Real Positive, Alex Rathbone, Sofia Restorp, Lin May Saeed, Santiago Taccetti

Exhibition title: Comedy Club

Organized by: Burkhard Beschow, Anne Fellner and Jens Einhorn

Venue: Comedy Club Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Date: April 29 – May 1, 2016

Photography: Jens Einhorn, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Comedy Club Berlin



Young, Handsome And Unemployed at Komplot


Artists: Theodoris Giannakis & Petros Moris, Katerina Kana, Lito Kattou, Natasha Papadopoulou, Zoë Paul, Angelo Plessas, Socratis Socratous

Exhibition title: Young, Handsome And Unemployed

Curated by: Michelangelo Corsaro

Venue: Komplot, Brussels, Belgium

Date: April 20 – May 21, 2016

Photography: Fabrice Dermience, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Komplot, Brussels



Where Wild Flowers Grow at Armada

10_Isabella Costabile, High Priestess, 2016. Photo by Beppe Raso

Artists: Gianluca Belloni, Daniele Bonini, Marco Conoci, Alessandro Conti, Isabella Costabile, Emiliano Furia, Lorenza Longhi, Marco Pio Mucci, Matteo Pomati, Margherita Raso, Massimo Vaschetto, Ilaria Vinci

Exhibition title: Where Wild Flowers Grow

Venue: Armada, Milan, Italy

Date: April 5 – May 31, 2016

Photography: Beppe Raso, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Armada, Milan

1_Where Wild Flowers Grow, installation view at Armada, Milan, 2016. Photo by Beppe Raso

5_Massimo Vaschetto, Barehunter, 2015. Photo by Beppe Raso