The Magic Donkey Inn at Longtermhandstand
The Magic Donkey Inn at Longtermhandstand
Jim Thorell at LOYAL
Jim Thorell at LOYAL
Pakui Hardware at LNMA Radvila Palace Museum of Art
Pakui Hardware at LNMA Radvila Palace Museum of Art
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Will You at Pratt Institute

010 Tin Nguyen

Artists: Anthony Cudahy, Ted Gahl, Zoë Field, Tom Forkin, Jim Hodges, Nina Li, Heather McKenna, Kate Missett, John Monti, Britt Moseley, Izabelle New, Tin Nguyen, Megan Plunkett, Am Schmidt

Exhibition title: Will You

Curated by: Jenni Crain and Nick Fusaro

Venue: Pratt Institute, New York, US

Date: September 17 – October 2, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Pratt Institute, New York

010 Installation View

04 Tom Forkin 1

Blue Plate Special at Dead Horse Bay


Artists: Aline Bouvy, Anima Correa, Andrew Ross, Larissa Lockshin, Nick Fusaro, Pamela Council, Stephanie Hier, Sydney Shen

Exhibition title: Blue Plate Special

Venue: Dead Horse Bay, New York, US

Date: October 1, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists