Pakui Hardware at LNMA Radvila Palace Museum of Art
Pakui Hardware at LNMA Radvila Palace Museum of Art
TJ Rinoski at Galerie Derouillon
TJ Rinoski at Galerie Derouillon
In Concert at Daniel Faria Gallery
In Concert at Daniel Faria Gallery
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Mohamed Namou at Proyectos Monclova

MN 6

Artist: Mohamed Namou

Exhibition title: Trash-Talking: D’où naît une action parallèle

Venue: Proyectos Monclova, Mexico City

Date: September 23 – November 5, 2016

Photography: Pedro Hiriart, Rodrigo Viñas M., all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Proyectos Monclova, Mexico City

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MN Detail

Ana Navas at P/////AKT


Artist: Ana Navas

Exhibition title: Placing a mirror at the entry area is a gracious way to welcome wealth in

Venue: P/////AKT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Date: October 9 – November 6, 2016

Photography: Charlott Markus, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and  P/////AKT, Amsterdam



A Month of Sundays at Taylor Macklin


Artists: Juliette Blightman, Morgan Fisher, Vanessa Safavi, Joke Schmidt, Michael Smith, Jean-Frédéric Schnyder

Exhibition title: A Month of Sundays

Curated by: Clément Delépine

Venue: Taylor Macklin, Zurich, Switzerland

Date: September 22 – November 6, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Taylor Macklin, Zurich

