SCREEN: Rosa Tharrats & Gabriel Ventura
SCREEN: Rosa Tharrats & Gabriel Ventura
Lars Korff Lofthus at Kristiansand Kunsthall
Lars Korff Lofthus at Kristiansand Kunsthall
Klaudia Januskó and Masa Sallai at Horizont Gallery
Klaudia Januskó and Masa Sallai at Horizont Gallery
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A stitch in time saves nine at Wschod


Artists: Mateusz Choróbski, Jan Domicz, Samuel François, Daniel Koniusz, Mikołaj Moskal, Anna Orłowska, Olve Sande, Łukasz Sosiński

Exhibition title: A stitch in time saves nine

Venue: Wschod, Warsaw, Poland

Date: September 23 – October 30, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Wschod



Hypnic Jerk at Smart Objects


Artists: Louisa Gagliardi, Vanessa Gully Santiago, Ann Hirsch, Cheyenne Julien

Exhibition title: Hypnic Jerk

Curated by: Chadwick Gibson

Venue: Smart Objects, Los Angeles, US

Date: October 21 – November 25, 2016

Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Smart Objects, Los Angeles

Note: Press release can be found here

