Elizabeth Jaeger at Capsule Shanghai
Elizabeth Jaeger at Capsule Shanghai
Meriem Bennani and Rasha Omar at SALTS
Meriem Bennani and Rasha Omar at SALTS
Ludger Gerdes at Stadthausgalerie Münster
Ludger Gerdes at Stadthausgalerie Münster
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Notes on our equilibrium at CAB

Artists: Isabelle Andriessen, Vaughn Bell, Julian Charrière, Edith Dekyndt, Stijn Demeulenaere, Bea Fremderman, Tue Greenfort, Carlos Irijalba, Nicolas Lamas, Richard Long, Adrien Tirtiaux, Alvaro Urbano, Maarten Vanden Eynde

Exhibition title: Notes on our equilibrium, A dialogue with the house of Jean Prouvé II

Venue: CAB, Brussels, Belgium

Date: April 19 – June 24, 2017

Photography: Brandajs, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and CAB, Brussels

My Dear Provincialist at Swimming Pool

Artists: Valko Chobanov, Krassimira Kirova, Dimitar Shopov, Trifon Tashev, Martina Vacheva, Ina Valentinova

Exhibition title: My Dear Provincialist

Curated by: Viktoria Draganova and Valko Chobanov

Venue: Swimming Pool, Sofia, Bulgaria

Date: April 12 – June 18, 2017

Photography: Yana Lozeva, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Swimming Pool, Sofia