Tomas Harker at Nicodim
Tomas Harker at Nicodim
Color of Pomegranates at Gallery Artbeat
Color of Pomegranates at Gallery Artbeat
Elizabeth Jaeger at Capsule Shanghai
Elizabeth Jaeger at Capsule Shanghai
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Still life with Stone and Stone, Gold, Branch, Dippings, Camouflage, Surfaces, Ripple, Drone, The Others & The Rest at The Stable

Artists: Alice De Mont, Elise Eeraerts, Odilon Pain, Emmanuelle Quertain, Dimitri Vangrunderbeek

Exhibition title: Still life with Stone and Stone, Gold, Branch, Dippings, Camouflage, Surfaces, Ripple, Drone, The Others & The Rest

Venue: The Stable, Waregem, Belgium

Date: May 6 – June 17, 2017

Photography: Alice De Mont, Cedric Verhelst, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and The Stable

Note: Exhibition floor plan can be found here

Katya Tepper at Species

Artist: Katya Tepper

Exhibition title: Wall Bowl Constellations

Venue: Species, Atlanta, US

Date: June 17 – 24, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Species

Note: Exhibition floor plan can be found here