Karlos Martínez Bordoy at Okela Kultur Elkartea
Karlos Martínez Bordoy at Okela Kultur Elkartea
Karoline Dausien at Kunstraum Schwaz
Karoline Dausien at Kunstraum Schwaz
Lena Cobangbang at Towards
Lena Cobangbang at Towards
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Andrew Ross at Clima

Artist: Andrew Ross

Exhibition title: Hallmark

Venue: Clima, Milan, Italy

Date: November 27, 2019 – January 18, 2020

Photography: Marco Davolio / images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Clima, Milan

Higher! Higher! Lower, Lower, Louder! Louder! Softer, Softer at Shimmer

Artists: Zarouhie Abdalian, Gwenneth Boelens, Shanta Rao, Elena Narbutaitė

Exhibition title: Higher! Higher! Lower, Lower, Louder! Louder! Softer, Softer

Curated by: Shimmer (Eloise Sweetman and Jason Hendrik Hansma)

Venue: Shimmer, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Date: September – December, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Shimmer, Rotterdam