More Than Just Words [On the Poetic] at Kunsthalle Wien

Artist: John Baldessari, Elisabetta Benassi, Nina Canell, Natalie Czech, Michael Dean, Jason Dodge, João Maria Gusmão / Pedro Paiva, Ketty La Rocca, Bruno Munari, Olaf Nicolai, Fernando Ortega, Jenny Perlin, Gerhard Rühm, Olve Sande, Erica Scourti, Michael Snow, Mladen Stilinović, Artur Żmijewski

Exhibition title: More Than Just Words

Curated by: Luca Lo Pinto, Vanessa Joan Müller

Venue: Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria

Date: March 8 – May 7, 2017

Photography: © Stephan Wyckoff, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Kunsthalle Wien

Note: Exhibition booklet can be found here

Installation view: More Than Just Words [On the Poetic], Kunsthalle Wien 2017, Photo: Stephan Wyckoff

Installation view: More Than Just Words [On the Poetic], Kunsthalle Wien 2017, Photo: Stephan Wyckoff

Installation view: More Than Just Words [On the Poetic], Kunsthalle Wien 2017, Photo: Stephan Wyckoff: Michael Snow, That / Cela / Dat, 2000, Courtesy the artist

Installation view: More Than Just Words [On the Poetic], Kunsthalle Wien 2017, Photo: Stephan Wyckoff

Installation view: More Than Just Words [On the Poetic], Kunsthalle Wien 2017, Photo: Stephan Wyckoff

Installation view: More Than Just Words [On the Poetic], Kunsthalle Wien 2017, Photo: Stephan Wyckoff

Installation view: More Than Just Words [On the Poetic], Kunsthalle Wien 2017, Photo: David Avazzadeh: Elisabetta Benassi, Finalmente solo, finalmente tutti, 2013, Courtesy the artist and Magazzino, Rome

Installation view: More Than Just Words [On the Poetic], Kunsthalle Wien 2017, Photo: Jorit Aust: Michael Dean, analogue series (now) x 11, 2015, Courtesy the artist and Supportico Lopez, Berlin

Installation view: More Than Just Words [On the Poetic], Kunsthalle Wien 2017, Photo: Jorit Aust: Michael Dean, Laugh; Yes No, 2012, Courtesy the artist and Supportico Lopez, Berlin

Installation view: More Than Just Words [On the Poetic], Kunsthalle Wien 2017, Photo: Jorit Aust: Olaf Nicolai, Les Mangeurs d’étoiles (In Honor of Raymond Roussel), 2013/2017, Courtesy the artist and Galerie Eigen+Art, Leipzig / Berlin

João Maria Gusmão & Pedro Paiva, Glossolalia (“Good Morning”), 2014, Courtesy the artists and ZERO, Milan

John Baldessari, Teaching a Plant the Alphabet, 1972, Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York

Bruno Munari, Supplemento al dizionario italiano – I Gesti, © Bruno Munari, 1963 – All rights reserved to Maurizio Corraini s.r.l.

Natalie Czech, Avatar / Me, 2016, © Bildrecht, Wien, 2017, Courtesy Kadel Willborn, Düsseldorf and Capitain Petzel, Berlin

Ketty La Rocca, La mie parole e tu, 1974, Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna