
Militant Joy at Theta

Artists: Loretta Fahrenholz, Gritli Faulhaber, Nicole-Antonia Spagnola & Bedros Yeretzian, SoiL Thornton

Exhibition title: Militant Joy

Venue: Theta, New York, US

Date: November 4 – December 17, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Theta, New York

For a 2006 episode of BBC’s Planet Earth a crew of wildlife cinematographers spent one month flming the world’s largest concentration of cockroaches inside the Gomantong Cave in Borneo. The aboveground cave is blanketed meters high with guano, or bat shit, on which the roaches and other vermin feed. The crew dutifully ascends to the heart of the cave in duct tape-reinforced paper suits to set up a weight and pulley system with a fashlight and camera to provide us with one continuous shot along the glittering mountain of shit-eating bugs.

Planet Earth and related television programs* are profoundly empathic works of assumed objectivity that feel ambiently good. The bat/guano/cockroach segment of the cave episode does not hit the same, but its BTS documentation is delightful. Highlighting the camera team’s hidden labor discloses the grotesque conditions (a landscape of nightmarish darkness) of inventing a portal into a new world of perspective. Like most documentary footage it also anticipates its reception, with good humored direct-to-camera pleas on Day 26 from men covered in feces to not force them back into the cave again. There’s a masochistic pleasure in their painful comradery that feels uncomplex, comforting, like they’re doing what they love, like the shame of recognizing our own ridiculousness is rewarding.

Militant Joy, 2022, exhibition view, Theta, New York

Gritli Faulhaber, Militant Joy (22), 2020, Oil on canvas, 66.9 x 86.6 in

Militant Joy, 2022, exhibition view, Theta, New York

Gritli Faulhaber, Militant Joy (20), 2020, Oil on canvas, 66.9 x 86.6 in

Militant Joy, 2022, exhibition view, Theta, New York

Loretta Fahrenholz, Gap Years 14, 2021-2022, Inkjet print mounted on K-mount, framed 25.625 x 32.375 x 1 in

Militant Joy, 2022, exhibition view, Theta, New York

Loretta Fahrenholz, Gap Years 15, 2021-2022, Inkjet print mounted on K mount, framed 25.625 x 32.375 x 1 in

Militant Joy, 2022, exhibition view, Theta, New York

SoiL Thornton $21,631.30 soil removal, 2022, used sustainable exfoliating bath and shower gloves “certified organic”, jingle bells, dental floss, steel wire key ring, latex tube, garment price tags Dimensions variable

Militant Joy, 2022, exhibition view, Theta, New York

SoiL Thornton $21,631.30 soil removal, 2022, used sustainable exfoliating bath and shower gloves “certified organic”, jingle bells, dental floss, steel wire key ring, latex tube, garment price tags Dimensions variable

Militant Joy, 2022, exhibition view, Theta, New York

Gritli Faulhaber, Militant Joy (Punkte 11), 2019-2020, Oil on canvas, 15.75 x 19.75 in

Militant Joy, 2022, exhibition view, Theta, New York

Loretta Fahrenholz, Implosion, 2011, Edition 2 of 5 + 2AP, HD video, 30 minutes

Loretta Fahrenholz, Implosion, 2011, Edition 2 of 5 + 2AP, HD video, 30 minutes

Nicole-Antonia Spagnola, Bedros Yeretzian Literal Pig Shit, 2022, Rotating spit, garment rack, LED lights, misc. hardware 40.5 x 23 x 44.625 in

Nicole-Antonia Spagnola, Bedros Yeretzian Literal Pig Shit, 2022, Rotating spit, garment rack, LED lights, misc. hardware 40.5 x 23 x 44.625 in

Nicole-Antonia Spagnola, Bedros Yeretzian Literal Pig Shit, 2022, Rotating spit, garment rack, LED lights, misc. hardware 40.5 x 23 x 44.625 in

Nicole-Antonia Spagnola, Bedros Yeretzian Literal Pig Shit, 2022, Rotating spit, garment rack, LED lights, misc. hardware 40.5 x 23 x 44.625 in

Militant Joy, 2022, exhibition view, Theta, New York

Loretta Fahrenholz, Gap Years 8, 2021-2022, Inkjet print mounted on K mount, framed 25.625 x 32.375 x 1 in

Militant Joy, 2022, exhibition view, Theta, New York

Loretta Fahrenholz, Gap Years 13, 2021-2022, Inkjet print mounted on K-mount, framed 25.625 x 32.375 x 1 in

Militant Joy, 2022, exhibition view, Theta, New York

Gritli Faulhaber, Militant Joy (21), 2020, Oil on canvas, 66.9 x 86.6 in

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