Miho Dohi at Lulu

Artist: Miho Dohi

Venue: Lulu, Mexico City

Date: November 25, 2017 – January 27, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Lulu, Mexico City

Lulu is very pleased to present a solo exhibition of the Japanese, Kanagawa-based artist Miho Dohi.

For her first solo exhibition in Mexico, Miho Dohi will present a selection of sculptures made over the course of the past ten years. Working with a variety of materials, including wood, copper, textiles, vinyl tape, and plaster, as well as others, Dohi’s work is as unafraid to experiment with materials as it is form. Generally of an intimate, human scale, her decidedly sanguine objects are carefully crafted and labored to convey constructions of a totally singular nature. Occasionally evocative of some kind of mechanism, as in Buttai 31 (2016), whose corrugated folds bring to mind the function of an accordion or maybe a radiator, her sculptures, at the other times, might possess a figurative quality, as in Hanged Creature (2004), which is reminiscent of a piece of aluminum foliage or a tendril. Otherwise, their vibrant, offbeat and colorful forms, which are liable to hang from the wall or sit on plinths, are delightfully idiosyncratic and beguilingly resist classification. From a western perspective, what she makes can be provisionally situated in a constellation that includes the likes of Richard Tuttle, Vincent Fecteau and Jessica Stockholder, but when more deeply considered, they occupy a unique and inimitable space entirely of their own making. Like so many strange little creatures, these works’ inventiveness can only be matched by how much character they have, making it such that Dohi’s warm, personable sculptures invite and richly reward close viewing.

Miho Dohi (b. 1974, Nara-prefecture) is an artist who lives and works in Kanagawa, Japan. Completed postgraduate studies at Tokyo Zokei University in 2002. Selected exhibitions include “natu no tobira – curated by Jeffrey Rosen, Shane Campbell Gallery (2017, USA), HAGIWARA PROJECTS (2016, Tokyo), “SOMETHINKS2016 Artist recommendation vol.3  Rad Major Package” Art Labo Hashimoto (2016, Kanagawa), “Group Show” HAGIWARA PROJECTS (2013, Tokyo), Gallery Tomos(2012, 2009, Tokyo), “funcy mirror” Gallery KINGYO (2008, Tokyo), Nakanojo Biennale(2007, Gunma), “Miho Dohi / Hiroko Ogura” zodiac (2004, Tokyo), “19 Artists”Kanagawa Kenmin Hall (2000, Kanagawa).