
Louise Sidelmann at Entrée

Artist: Louise Sidelmann

Exhibition title: Loss

Venue: Entrée, Bergen, Norway

Date: October 6  – November 26, 2023

Photography: Mario de la Ossa / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Entrée, Bergen

Danish artist Louise Sidelmann uses porcelain clay to intuitively explore the spatial possibilities of drawing and line. Her compositions are based on both man-made infrastructures and organic systems with rhythms and pauses, and the works are further combined with different colored glazes and sintering processes, which change the character of the surface to alternate between shiny and smooth or porous and matte.

In the exhibition, Sidelmann gives form to the sensations of a recent loss. The malleable properties of clay, constantly changeable until fired, provide a framework for rumination and reflection on this universal theme. Shaping her experience through gradual hand building, she mediates her experience as both violent and luminous.

Louise Sidelmann (b.1976) is based in Copenhagen. She studied at Design School Kolding, Aarhus Art Academy, and plastering at the technical university EUC Haslev. Combining fragments, colors, and space-forming compositions of lines, she creates drawings that oscillate between two and three dimensions, between drawing and ornamentation. Louise works casually with her materials, in an almost meditative, intuitive, and experimental process which involves searching for strange and fragile qualities in order to find a harmony between their flimsy and robust aspects. Her work has been exhibited at Skælskør Ceramic Festival 2023, Galleri F15 Jeløy, Ann Linnemann Gallery, Kammer Gallery, Officinet, Møstings Hus, Glinde, Limfjordens Høstutstilling, Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition, Ler08, SAK and CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Denmark.

Louise Sidelmann, Loss, 2023, exhibition view, Entrée, Bergen

Louise Sidelmann, Loss, 2023, exhibition view, Entrée, Bergen

Louise Sidelmann, ‘Stråler’, ‘Indre uro’, ‘Gestus’, porcelain and stoneware

Louise Sidelmann, ‘Stråler’, ‘Indre uro’, ‘Gestus’, porcelain and stoneware

Louise Sidelmann, Loss, 2023, exhibition view, Entrée, Bergen

Louise Sidelmann, Loss, 2023, exhibition view, Entrée, Bergen

Louise Sidelmann, ‘Indre uro’, stoneware

Louise Sidelmann, Loss, 2023, exhibition view, Entrée, Bergen

Louise Sidelmann, ‘Adskilt’, stoneware

Louise Sidelmann, ‘Adskilt’, stoneware

Louise Sidelmann, Loss, 2023, exhibition view, Entrée, Bergen

Louise Sidelmann, ‘Indre uro’, stoneware

Louise Sidelmann, ‘Afklaret’, porcelain

Louise Sidelmann, ‘Tanker’, porcelain

Louise Sidelmann, ‘Stjernesol’, porcelain

Louise Sidelmann, ‘Larmende Stilhed’, porcelain

Louise Sidelmann, ‘Uendeligt’, stoneware

Louise Sidelmann, Loss, 2023, exhibition view, Entrée, Bergen

Louise Sidelmann, ‘Hjem’, stoneware

Louise Sidelmann, Loss, 2023, exhibition view, Entrée, Bergen

Louise Sidelmann, Loss, 2023, exhibition view, Entrée, Bergen

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