
L. A. should die vor Glück at justmarried


Artist: Kelly Akashi, Jagoda Bednarsky, Buck Ellison, Elif Erkan, Sayre Gomez, Marcel Hiller, Tilman Hornig, Magarete Jakschik, JPW3, Becky Kolsrud, Troy Kreiner, Felix Kultau, Friedrich Kunath, Brett Lund, Katharina Marszewski, Nicolas Pelzer, Claus Richter, Maarten Van Roy, Laura Schawelka, Jan-Ole Schiemann, Paul Pascal Theriault, Daniel Wind, Rosha Yaghmai

Exhibition title: L. A. should die vor Glück

Venue: justmarried, Los Angeles, US

Date: January 28 – 29, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and justmarried

Hi Jagoda, hi Fel ix,

It wi ll take a bit more t ime for me to f inish the text for‚ L.A. should die vor Glück‘. With our ar tists l ist in mind I already have a concrete idea. Micro Celebrities 2 was about the inter ior and the accumulation of things that find their place within a living space. The tonality of the existing furniture, the shelf, the tiles and the corners of your apar tment was ver y similar to the shape of the individual works shown in Micro Celebrities 2; both sets of objects looked ver y Belgian. Similarly, the second Just Married hosting should have an L.A. look. What that means, we would find out then together.

In the works of the artists we talked about, you can often find these multiple breaks and phrases in well-known visual rhetoric, even if they come f rom ver y dif ferent di rect ions. I imagine the overall picture collage- like and spread over ever ything, where glamor flashes through the formal or patina.

I really like the statement in Raymond Chandler’s novel „The Long Goodbye” that nothing is as empty as an empty swimming pool . This is ver y related to minimalism in sculpture and painting. At the same time it is a great theme. Maybe things have to develop out of reduction and concentration, but they say something even as the material is reduced to almost nothing.

We’d be ver y happy if you would take par t , and are looking forward to your response.

Al l the best ,





Paul Pascal Theriault, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Paul Pascal Theriault, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Sayre Gomez, Laura Schawelka, Nicolas Pelzer, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Laura Schawelka, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Sayre Gomez, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Nicolas Pelzer, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Jagoda Bednarsky, Claus Richter, Marcel Hiller, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Jagoda Bednarsky, Claus Richter, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Maarten Van Roy, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Marcel Hiller, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Marcel Hiller, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Rosha Yaghmai, Katharina Marszewski, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Katharina Marszewski, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Friedrich Kunath, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Elif Erkan, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Elif Erkan, Maarten Van Roy, Jagoda Bednarsky, Claus Richter, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Jan-Ole Schiemann, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Becky Kolsrud, Paul Pascal Theriault, Jan-Ole Schiemann, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Brett Lund, Kelly Akashi, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Felix Kultau, JPW3, Brett Lund, Kelly Akashi, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Brett Lund, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Brett Lund, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Kelly Akashi, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Troy Kreiner, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


JPW3, Buck Ellison, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Troy Kreiner, JPW3, Tilman Hornig, Buck Ellison, Jagoda Bednarsky, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Felix Kultau, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Felix Kultau, JPW3, Tilman Hornig, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Tilman Hornig, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017


Magarete Jakschik, Daniel Wind, L. A. should die vor Glück, exhibition view, 2017

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