
Kristi Cavataro at Ramiken

Artist: Kristi Cavataro

Venue: Ramiken, New York, US

Date: April 24 – May 29, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and RAMIKEN, New York

Ten sculptures on view in Kristi Cavataro’s first solo exhibition in New York. Incrementally constructed of stained glass, cut and soldered by Cavataro. Tubes, tunnels, straws, worms, hotels. Domed, crowned, on stilts. Architecturally adjacent; optimistically polychromatic. Imperfect hollow shells, striped with opacity, punctuated by rose colored glass. Pointy, punchy, punctilious, perversely delinquent of references, no precedent yet established. Stained glass mapped, wrapped onto speculative geometry. Gridded structures, all contours established by degrees. Possibly utopian.

Kristi Cavataro (b. 1992) lives and works in New York.

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