John Russell at Arcadia Missa

Artist: John Russell

Exhibition title: Foyer

Condo 2024: hosting Bridget Donahue, New York & High Art, Paris

Venue: Arcadia Missa, London, UK

Date: January 20 – February 17, 2024

Photography: Tom Carter; Courtesy of the Artist, Bridget Donahue, New York, High Art, Paris, and Arcadia Missa, London

The dead will arrive vertically through the floor. Maybe they are looking for revenge, or for retribution, or to punish us for our sins. Or maybe they want to help us. Maybe they are our friends.

The angels will arrive from above through the ceiling, to judge us or maybe to seek retribution, or maybe they are coming to help us. Or maybe it’s just that Heaven is full and there’s no more room.

The living will arrive horizontally, through the gallery door from the street outside, to seek retribution, to seek revenge, or maybe just to say hello. Or maybe Hell is full and there’s no more space.

And the flies … the flies arrive diagonally, to feed and breed, to irritate us or maybe they are trying to help us. Maybe they are just being friendly as well.

John Russell, Foyer, 2024, exhibition view at Arcadia Missa, London. Condo 2024: hosting Bridget Donahue, New York & High Art, Paris

John Russell, Foyer, 2024, exhibition view at Arcadia Missa, London. Condo 2024: hosting Bridget Donahue, New York & High Art, Paris

John Russell, Angel Burst 1, 2024, Carbon fibre rod, plastic, polyurethane resin, 125 x 146 x 112cm

John Russell, Angel Burst 1, 2024, Carbon fibre rod, plastic, polyurethane resin, 125 x 146 x 112cm

John Russell, Angel Burst 1, 2024, Carbon fibre rod, plastic, polyurethane resin, 125 x 146 x 112cm

John Russell, Foyer, 2024, exhibition view at Arcadia Missa, London. Condo 2024: hosting Bridget Donahue, New York & High Art, Paris

John Russell, The Floor, 2024, Digital print on vinyl, Dimensions variable

John Russell, The Floor, 2024, Digital print on vinyl, Dimensions variable

John Russell, The Floor, 2024, Digital print on vinyl, Dimensions variable

John Russell, The Floor, 2024, Digital print on vinyl, Dimensions variable

John Russell, Foyer, 2024, exhibition view at Arcadia Missa, London. Condo 2024: hosting Bridget Donahue, New York & High Art, Paris

John Russell, Foyer, 2024, exhibition view at Arcadia Missa, London. Condo 2024: hosting Bridget Donahue, New York & High Art, Paris

John Russell, The Floor, 2024, Digital print on vinyl, Dimensions variable

John Russell, Diamond composition 3: Angle of arrival, 2024, Acrylic-urethane paint on resin and fibreglass, 65.5 x 49 x 3.5 cm

John Russell, Diamond composition 2: Angle of arrival, 2024, Acrylic-urethane paint on resin and fibreglass, 65.5 x 49 x 3.5 cm

John Russell, Diamond composition 1: Angle of arrival, 2024, Acrylic-urethane paint on resin and fibreglass, 65.5 x 49 x 3.5cm

John Russell, Angel Burst 1, 2024, Carbon fibre rod, plastic, polyurethane resin, 125 x 146 x 112cm

John Russell, Angel Burst 1, 2024, Carbon fibre rod, plastic, polyurethane resin, 125 x 146 x 112cm