
Gnaw the bone that falls to thy lot at Kimberly-Klark

Artists: Morgan Mandalay, Alexandra Metcalf, Elbert Perez, Ross Simonini

Exhibition title: Gnaw the bone that falls to thy lot

Venue: Kimberly-Klark, New York, US

Date: February 24 – March 25, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Kimberly-Klark, New York

The wife brought the mirror and all of the fine furnishings into the cellar to her own home and proudly displayed it
[A long sliver of light, a curious curl of wax, a brass chair housed by the cat]
She hung the mirror in the room of their daughter,
a dark-haired coquette
[eyes of a shadowed mouse]
who glanced at herself in the mirror
and was drawn into Lilith’s web
[never-ending and ripe]
For that mirror had hung in the den of demons
[The demolition crew]
When it was taken from the haunted house, the demoness came with it.
For every mirror is a gateway to the Other World and leads directly to Lilith’s cave.¹
¹Lilith’s Cave: Jewish tales of the supernatural, edited by Howard Schwartz (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988)

Morgan Mandalay is a current Fellow of Shandaken Project’s inaugural Paint School in New York, NY. He has had solo exhibitions at City Limits (Oakland, CA), ARTBO’s “Proyectos” (Bogotá, Columbia), Yautepec (Mexico City, Mexico), and Helmuth Projects (San Diego, CA). His work has been included recently in group exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, DAMA (Turin, ITA), Deslave (Tijuana, MEX), 0-0 (Los Angeles, CA), Galleria Acapella (Naples, ITA), LVL3 (Chicago, IL), and Yautepec (Mexico City, MEX). In 2017 he completed his MFA at University of California San Diego, and holds a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Morgan is also the founder and director of SPF15, a nomadic beach canopy project space.

Alexandra Metcalf completed a BFA in Fine Art at the Rhode Island School of Design in 2015. Recent exhibitions of Alex’s work include 40 Pest Street, Alyssa Davis Gallery (2017), Hütti, Ludlow 38, New York (2017), Peter Peter, 103 East 75th Street, New York (2017), Some Me Into Timeworm Bits, Fastnet, New York (2017), Puppet Show, 15 Orient, New York (2017) Huttendasein, 15 Orient, New York (2016), Room 131, Ginny Projects, Seekonk (2016) Expo, MX Gallery, New York (2015) and Sullivan, Expose Gallery, Providence (2015).

Elbert Perez is a visual artist that both works and resides in Hudson, New York. Primarily working in oil paint, he works to reinterpret objects and space to encourage a heuristic dialogue through elucidating philosophical concepts by means of repurposed semiotics. The works are more often an attempt at illuminating the most salient aspects of sensational reality, distilling signs of the absurd and the simulated real through a perverse dialectic. By divesting “sign language” of their form, it becomes less difficult to understand the greater substantial picture.

Ross Simonini is an artist, writer, and composer living in the Northern California redwoods. Much of his work is informed by proprioception, health and ideology. He has exhibited at the Sharjah Biennial, Shoot the Lobster in Luxembourg, Martos Gallery, and Anonymous Gallery in Mexico. His writings and dialogues appear in Mousse, ArtReview, The Believer, Interview and frieze. His debut fiction, The Book of Formation was released by Melville House Books in November.

Gnaw the bone that falls to thy lot, 2018, exhibition view, Kimberly-Klark, New York

Gnaw the bone that falls to thy lot, 2018, exhibition view, Kimberly-Klark, New York

Ross Simonini, fasciculation drawing (muir beach), 2016, Wax crayon on paper

Ross Simonini, fasciculation drawing (muir beach), 2016, Wax crayon on paper

Morgan Mandalay, Canine Guarding the Gates, 2018, Oil paint on stretched canvas

Morgan Mandalay, Canine Guarding the Gates, 2018, Oil paint on stretched canvas

Gnaw the bone that falls to thy lot, 2018, exhibition view, Kimberly-Klark, New York

Alexandra Metcalf, Trouble, 2017, Wood, resin, stockings, photograph, dog fur

Alexandra Metcalf, Trouble, 2017, Wood, resin, stockings, photograph, dog fur

Alexandra Metcalf, Trouble, 2017, Wood, resin, stockings, photograph, dog fur

Elbert Perez, 2.01, 2017, Oil, pencil, colored pencil

Elbert Perez, 2.01, 2017, Oil, pencil, colored pencil

Gnaw the bone that falls to thy lot, 2018, exhibition view, Kimberly-Klark, New York

Gnaw the bone that falls to thy lot, 2018, exhibition view, Kimberly-Klark, New York

Alexandra Metcalf, Madamama Butterfly: The Full Cycle Vol.18 From Birth to Death True Sound, 2018, Wood, resin, chalk, stockings, CD, paper

Alexandra Metcalf, Madamama Butterfly: The Full Cycle Vol.18 From Birth to Death True Sound, 2018, Wood, resin, chalk, stockings, CD, paper

Alexandra Metcalf, Madamama Butterfly: The Full Cycle Vol.18 From Birth to Death True Sound, 2018, Wood, resin, chalk, stockings, CD, paper

Alexandra Metcalf, Madamama Butterfly: The Full Cycle Vol.18 From Birth to Death True Sound, 2018, Wood, resin, chalk, stockings, CD, paper

Gnaw the bone that falls to thy lot, 2018, exhibition view, Kimberly-Klark, New York

Morgan Mandalay, The Torment of St Anthony, 2018, Oil paint on stretched canvas

Morgan Mandalay, The Torment of St Anthony, 2018, Oil paint on stretched canvas

Ross Simonini, Untitled, 2017, White peony, paint, wooden spoon, rust, license plate

Ross Simonini, Untitled, 2017, White peony, paint, wooden spoon, rust, license plate

Gnaw the bone that falls to thy lot, 2018, exhibition view, Kimberly-Klark, New York

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