
Ever. Present. Past. at Neue Galerie and Schloss Wilhelmshöhe

Artists: Viola Bittl, Zuzanna Czebatul, Gabi Hamm, Julian Irlinger, Marko Lehanka, Laura J. Padgett, Laura Schawelka, Jan Schmidt

Exhibition title: Ever. Present. Past.

Curated by: Sylvia Metz and Christin Müller

Venue: Neue Galerie, Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel, Germany

Date: July 7, 2023 – September 24, 2023

Photography: all works courtesy the artists, images by Jens Gerber, © Hessische Kulturstiftung

Hessen Kassel Heritage and the Hessische Kulturs12ung are celebra1ng the thir1eth anniversary of the founda1on’s travel and studio grants with a joint exhibi1on. To date, more than 200 visual ar1sts have embarked on their interna1onal journeys from Hesse.

Conduc1ng research in collec1ons and archives and studying originals as a source of inspira1on and learning have always been essen1al components and primary mo1fs of ar1sts’ travels. Focusing on this theme, the exhibi1on presents selected works by former scholarship holders in the New Gallery as well as in the Old Masters Picture Gallery and the Collec1on of An1ques at Schloss Wilhelmshöhe. On view are works by Viola BiRl, Zuzanna Czebatul, Gabi Hamm, Julian Irlinger, Marko Lehanka, Laura J. PadgeR, Laura Schawelka, and Jan Schmidt.

The presenta1on of these works in close proximity as well as directly facing the works from the collec1ons provides an insight into the contemporary ar1s1c approach to classical art historical subject maRer and genres, whose tradi1onal mo1fs are restaged, commented on, or expanded by the exhibited works.

The ar1sts address very different issues in this exhibi1on. While some of them refer to specific pain1ngs or sculptures from large collec1ons and archives, others are concerned with overarching themes such as the accessibility of museums to all people, or the independence that cultural ins1tu1ons have in interpre1ng subject maRer. Some even ques1on the museum as a place of high culture altogether. The ar1sts also address a new perspec1ve on the history of museum collec1ons and research, as well as on their collec1ons in the context of current debates with regard to postcolonialism and decolonisa1on.

As the exhibi1on brings to light, both par1cular ques1ons and whole topic areas have remained unchanged, indeed almost 1meless, over the centuries. Among them is the examina1on of the transience of us humans and the materials of the artworks. In addi1on, other aspects have been incorporated in an en1rely new perspec1ve by the contemporary ar1sts, which are at the same 1me of importance for us as visitors and for the ins1tu1ons concerned: What relevance does a visit to a museum s1ll possess today? In 1mes of online museum tours, ar1ficial intelligence, and the digi1sa1on of archival materials, is it s1ll necessary at all? What is the significance of an original as opposed to a (digital) copy or reproduc1on? In this regard, what role does the interpreta1on of art play?

The dialogical presenta1on of the selected works invites all visitors to engage with these reflec1ons and to accompany the ar1sts on their journeys through 1me and the collec1ons as they seek to find answers to these ques1ons, both for themselves and for our society, that are so relevant to the way we deal with cultural assets.

Viola Bittl, Ohne Titel V, 2022, oil on canvas, 200 x 190 cm, installation view Hessen Kassel Heritage, Neue Galerie, Courtesy the artist, photo: Jens Gerber, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung

Installation view Ever. Present. Past., Hessen Kassel Heritage, Neue Galerie, Fritz Winter, Komposition vor Blau und Gelb, 1955, (left), © VG Bild -Kunst Bonn, Hessen Kassel Heritage, Neue Galerie, Viola Bittl, Ohne Titel V, 2022, (middle), Courtesy the artist, Jonathan Lasker, LOVE AS OBJECT, 2008, (right), Hessen Kassel Heritage, Neue Galerie, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Zuzanna Czebatul, Pobably a Robbery, 2021, polystyrene, acrylic plaster, pigments, wood, metal 315 × 195 × 88 cm, installation view Hessen Kassel Heritage, Neue Galerie, Courtesy the artist, photo: Jens Gerber, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung

Installation view Ever. Present. Past., Hessen Kassel Heritage, Neue Galerie, Carl Friedrich Echtermeier, Die Länderfiguren, 1845 – 1910, (left), Hessen Kassel Heritage, Neue Galerie, Zuzanna Czebatul, Pobably a Robbery, 2021, (right), Courtesy the artist, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Gabi Hamm, Ohne Titel, 1997, Casein on canvas, 39,4 × 33,9 × 2,7 cm, installation view Hessen Kassel Heritage, Neue Galerie, Courtesy MUSEUM MMK FÜR MODERNE KUNST, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Installation view Ever. Present. Past., Hessen Kassel Heritage, Neue Galerie, Gabi Hamm, Ohne Titel, 1997, (left), Courtesy MUSEUM MMK FÜR MODERNE KUNST, Caroline von der Embde, Lesendes Mädchen am Fenster, 1850/55, (right), Hessen Kassel Heritage, Neue Galerie, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Julian Irlinger, props, 2017, Lenticular print on Dibond, 118 × 112,5 cm, installation view, Hessen Kassel Heritage, Old Masters Picture Gallery, Courtesy Julian Irlinger and Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Installation view Ever. Present. Past., Hessen Kassel Heritage, Old Masters Picture Gallery, Carlo Francesco Rusca, Landgraf Wilhelm VIII. in ganzer Figur, 1733-1736, (left), Hessen Kassel Heritage, Old Masters Picture Gallery, Julian Irlinger, props, 2017, (middle), Courtesy Julian Irlinger and Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin, Herman Hendrik de Quiter, Reiterbildnis Landgraf Carl mit Pagen, 1701-1703, (right), Hessen Kassel Heritage, Old Masters Picture Gallery, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Marko Lehanka, Ohne Titel (Rote Ohren), 1996, Oil on pig’s ear, each approx. 14 × 12 cm, installation view Hessen Kassel Heritage, Collection of Antiques, Courtesy MUSEUM MMK FÜR MODERNE KUNST, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Installation view Ever. Present. Past., Hessen Kassel Heritage, Collection of Antiques, Schweinsfuß, date and creator unknown, (left), Hessen Kassel Heritage, Collection of Antiques, Kassel, Marko Lehanka, Ohne Titel (Rote Ohren), 1996, (right), Courtesy MUSEUM MMK FÜR MODERNE KUNST, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Laura J. Padgett, A Congregation of Souls, 2021, Pigment print on Hahnemühle Museum Etching 350 gsm, 96 x 64,67 cm, installation view, Hessen Kassel Heritage, Old Masters Picture Gallery, Courtesy Galerie–Peter–Sillem, Frankfurt, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Installation view Ever. Present. Past., Hessen Kassel Heritage, Old Masters Picture Gallery, Laura J. Padgett, A Congregation of Souls, 2021, (left), Courtesy Galerie–Peter–Sillem, Frankfurt, Emanuel de Witte, The Interior of a Gothic Church, c. 1680, Hessen Kassel Heritage, Old Masters Picture Gallery, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Laura Schawelka, Nefertiti by Tina Haim-Wentscher, 1913, 2021, Archival inkjet print, 14,5 x 9,5 cm, Installation view, Hessen Kassel Heritage, Collection of Antiques, Courtesy the artist and fiebach, minninger, Cologne, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Laura Schawelka, Kendall Jenner at Madame Tussauds Berlin, 2021, 2021, Archival inkjet print, 14,5 × 9,5 cm, Installation view, Hessen Kassel Heritage, Collection of Antiques, Courtesy the artist and FILIALE, Frankfurt, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Installation view Ever. Present. Past., Hessen Kassel Heritage, Collection of Antiques, Laura Schawelka, Nefertiti by Tina Haim-Wentscher, 1913, 2021, (left), Unknown artist, Berenike II., ptolemaic, (middle), Hessen Kassel Heritage, Collection of Antiques, Laura Schawelka, Kendall Jenner at Madame Tussauds Berlin, 2021, 2021, (right), Courtesy the artist and FILIALE, Frankfurt, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Jan Schmidt, Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrring, 2022, half oil ground on canvas, 44,5 × 39 cm, installation view, Hessen Kassel Heritage, Old Masters Picture Gallery, © Jan Schmidt and VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Jan Schmidt, Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrring (detail), 2022, half oil ground on canvas, 44,5 × 39 cm, installation view, Hessen Kassel Heritage, Old Masters Picture Gallery, © Jan Schmidt and VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

Installation view Ever. Present. Past., Hessen Kassel Heritage, Old Masters Picture Gallery, Jan van Bijlert, An Old Procuress Offers a Young Woman Jewels, mid 1630s, (left), Courtesy Hessen Kassel Heritage, Old Masters Picture Gallery, Jan Schmidt, Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrring, 2022, (right), © Jan Schmidt and VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023, ©Hessische Kulturstiftung, photo: Jens Gerber

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