
Edith Deyerling, Flora Klein, Miriam Visaczki at Christian Andersen

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Artists: Edith Deyerling, Flora Klein, Miriam Visaczki

Venue: Christian Andersen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Date: September 30 – November 12, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Christian Andersen

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Miriam Visaczki, Berge: Georgia O’Keefe, 2014, Watercolor on stucco plaster, 70 × 93 cm

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Flora Klein, Ohne Titel, 2015, Acrylic on canvas, 145 × 110 cm

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Miriam Visaczki, A short passage between pity and envy (Elsa), 2016, Felt, wood, 120 × 90 cm

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Edith Deyerling, Smokey Eye, 2015, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 70 × 105 cm

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Edith Deyerling, Untitled, 2016, Oil on canvas, 54 × 87 cm

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Flora Klein, Sam, 2014, Acrylic on canvas, 40 × 60 cm

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