
Claudia Peña Salinas at Embajada

Artist: Claudia Peña Salinas

Exhibition title: Tlalotlicuetlan

Venue: Embajada, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Date: April 1 – May 27, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Embajada, San Juan

Embajada is pleased to present Tlalotlicuetlan, the first solo exhibition by Claudia Peña Salinas at the gallery, which opens from April 1 to May 27, 2017. For the past several years, Peña Salinas has been doing research about Tlaloc and Chalchiuhtlicue, the male and female Aztec deities of rain and fertility, in an ongoing body of composed of sculpture, images, installation, and video. The exhibition is centered on Peña Salinas’s visits to Mexico, where she was born and raised, in search of the original site of the ancient Tlaloc monolith in Coatlinchan, México, which is presently installed in the National Anthropology Museum in Mexico City. Through the process of travel, documentation, research and collection of ephemera, Peña Salinas constructs a poetic narrative, which is at the same time personal and political.


Tlan=next to or place

Tlalicue TLAL/ICUE
Tlachapan TLA/CHA/PAN
Tlachacan TLA/CHA/CAN
Tlachatlan TLA/CHA/TLAN
Tlacuepan TLA/CUE/PAN
Tlacuecan TLA/CUE/CAN
Tlacuetlan TLA/CUE/TLAN
Tlalchalpan TLAL/CHAL/PAN
Tlalchalcan TLAL/CHAL/CAN
Tlalchaltlan TLAL/CHAL/TLAN
Tlaloctlicuepan TLALOC/TLICUE/PAN
Tlaloctlicuecan TLALOC/TLICUE/CAN
Tlaloctlicuetlan TLALOC/TLICUE/TLAN
Tlalicuepan TLAL/ICUE/PAN
Tlalicuecan TLAL/ICUE/CAN
Tlalicuetlan TLAL/ICUE/TLANChalchitlal
Chalopan CHA/LO/PAN
Chalocan CHA/LO/CAN
Chalotlan CHA/LO/TLAN
Chatlapan CHA/TLA/PAN
Chatlacan CHA/TLA/CAN
Chatlatlan CHA/TLA/TLAN
Chaltlalpan CHAL/TLAL/PAN
Chaltlalcan CHAL/TLAL/CAN
Chaltlaltlan CHAL/TLAL/TLAN
Chalopan CHA/LO/PAN
Chalocan CHA/LO/CAN
Chalotlan CHA/LO/TLAN
Chocpan CH/OC/PAN
Choccan CH/OC/CAN
Choctlan CH/OC/TLAN
Chocpan CH/OC/PAN
Choccan CH/OC/CAN
Chotlan CH/OC/TLAN
Chatlapan CHA/TLA/PAN
Chatlacan CHA/TLA/CAN
Chatlatlan CHA/TLA/TLAN

Claudia Peña Salinas was born in 1975 in Montemorelos, Mexico. She lives and Works in Brooklyn, New York, and in Mexico City, Mexico. Salinas is a multidisciplinary artista. She studied at the Art Institute of Chicago and at Hunter College, New York. Her exhibitions include: Present Company, New York, Forever & Today, New York, Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, New York, Helper, New York, Queens Museum of Art, New York, El Museo del Barrio, New York, Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, and Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico. Residencies and awards include: Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Process Space, New York, and SOMA residency, Mexico City. She is a recipient of the Jacob K. Javits Fellowship.

Claudia Peña Salinas, Tlalotlicuetlan, 2017, installation view, Embajada

Claudia Peña Salinas, Tlaloc, 2013, C-print, Edition of 4, 2AP, ed. 2/4, diptych, 36 x 24.5 inches, each 17.5 x 24.5 inches

Claudia Peña Salinas, Tlalotlicuetlan, 2017, installation view, Embajada

Claudia Peña Salinas, Cuecan (Detail), 2017, Brass, dyed cotton, tile stone, 24 x 124 inches

Claudia Peña Salinas, Cuecan, 2017, Brass, dyed cotton, tile stone, 24 x 124 inches

Claudia Peña Salinas, Chalchitlal, 2017, Brass, dyed cotton, rubber tire, hammer, 62.5 x 18 x 11 inches

Claudia Peña Salinas, Chalchitlal (detail), 2017, Brass, dyed cotton, rubber tire, hammer, 62.5 x 18 x 11 inches

Claudia Peña Salinas, Tlalotlicuetlan, 2017, installation view, Embajada

Claudia Peña Salinas, Tlalicue, 2017, Brass, dyed cotton, 72.5 x 49 x 49 inches

Claudia Peña Salinas, Tlalicue (detail), 2017, Brass, dyed cotton, 72.5 x 49 x 49 inches

Claudia Peña Salinas, Chalchiuhtlicue, 2017, Typed text on carbon paper, 10.75 x 13.75 inches framed, 11 x 8.5 inches unframed

Claudia Peña Salinas, Tlachacan (Video Still), 2017, Video 17min, Edition of 4, 2AP, ed. 1/4

Claudia Peña Salinas, Tlachacan (Video Still), 2017, Video 17min, Edition of 4, 2AP, ed. 1/4

Claudia Peña Salinas, Tlachacan, 2017, Video 17min, Edition of 4, 2AP, ed. 1/4

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