Conduits at Lo Brutto Stahl

Artists: Forrest Bess, Simon Callery, Rao Fu, Jason Gringler, Thibault Hiss, Zoe Koke, ML Poznanski, Philip Seibel, Ang Ziqi Zhang

Exhibition title: Conduits

Venue: Lo Brutto Stahl, Paris, France

Date: October 14 – November 25, 2023

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Lo Brutto Stahl, Paris

Luis Bisbe de la Fuente and Alberto Peral García at Galería Alegría

Artists: Luis Bisbe de la Fuente and Alberto Peral García

Exhibition title: de lo que uno dice / lo que está así / solo doble

Venue: Galería Alegría, Barcelona, Spain

Date: September 14 – December 9, 2023

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Galería Alegría, Barcelona