Joel Dean at Princess

Artist: Joel Dean Exhibition title: Empty Stomach Challenge Venue: Princess, New York, US Date: August, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Princess, New York A beekeeper begins reading a story. The story’s words are written in an ever-expanding combination of number and symbols. The numbers and symbols are variables in the evolution … Read more

Villa Aurora Revisited at Balice Hertling

Artists: Taslima Ahmed, Katie Aliprando, Jesse Benson, Benjamin Carlson, Buck Ellison, Elif Erkan, Eloise Hawser, Mark A. Rodriguez, and Steven Warwick/Heatsick Exhibition title: Villa Aurora Revisited Organized by: Park View, Los Angeles Venue: Balice Hertling, New York, US Date: July 15 – September 19, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists, Park View, … Read more

Shibboleth at Dvir Gallery

Artists: Etti Abergel, Miroslaw Balka, Avner Ben Gal, Jennifer Bornstein, Yossi Breger, Mircea Cantor, Latifa Echakhch, Simon Fujiwara, Dor Guez, Moshe Ninio, Florian Pumhösl, Barak Ravitz, Miri Segal, Lawrence Weiner Exhibition title: Shibboleth Venue: Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel Date: July 4 – September 5, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Dvir Gallery, … Read more

Richard Rezac at Isabella Bortolozzi

Artist: Richard Rezac Exhibition title: Circum Venue: Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, Germany Date: September 29 – October 17, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artist, Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin and Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago This exhibition presents sculpture selected from the past twenty-five years. Constant among these works is the visual language of geometry applied to human … Read more