SCREEN: Action by Guan Xiao

Installation view Mark-Blower-160419-Guan-Xiao-ICA-0032

Video by: Guan Xiao

Title: Action

Curated by: Domenico de Chirico

Screening: May 4 – 25, 2016

Year: 2014

Duration: 10’00”

In Action, Guan Xiao presents her video montage on an identical three-monitor display. Different image sequences that she sourced from the Internet appeared on the left and the right channel, while on the central screen, textual fragments are superimposed, which are intended to agitate, make our actions themselves the center of interest. Guan Xiao makes use of these opportunities for self-empowerment, for reinforcing the “I” through art; in the creation of her artworks, she deconstructs the boundary between subject and objects, distilling them from their existing contexts, and recombines them according to her own idiosyncratic perspective.

Guan Xiao (b. 1983, Chongqing; lives and works in Beijing) received her BA in Directing at the Communication University of China in 2006 and has exhibited internationally including at the OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, the V&A Museum, London, the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea, Seoul; the Shanghai Art Museum and the Art Museum of Nanjing University of Art. Selected exhibitions include: the shortlisted exhibition of Hugo Boss Asia Art Award, Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, 2015; Basic Logic, Antenna Space, Shanghai, 2015, 13th Biennale de Lyon: La vie modern, Lyon, 2015, 2015 Triennial: Surround Audience, New Museum, New York, 2015, From a Poem to the Sunset, Daimler Contemporary Berlin, 2015; Rare Earth, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna, 2015; Degeneration, ACAF, Sydney, 2014; Don’t You Know Who I Am? Art After Identity Politics, M HKA Museum, Antwerp, 2014; Something Happened Like never Happened, Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin, 2014; Film Section, Basel Hong Kong, Agnes B Cinema, Hong Kong, 2014; Die 8 Wege, Uferhallen, Berlin, 2013.

Courtesy of the artist, Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin and Antenna Space, Shanghai

Guan Xiao at ICA

3 From Unit 3 to Unit 7, Guan Xiao Flattened Metal ICA

Artist: Guan Xiao

Exhibition title: Flattened Metal

Curated by: Katharine Stout

Venue: ICA, London, UK

Date: April 20 – June 19, 2016

Photography: Mark Blower, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist, ICA, London, K11 Art Foundation, Hong Kong, Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin, and Antenna Space, Shanghai

Installation view Mark-Blower-160419-Guan-Xiao-ICA-0027-Edit

Installation view Mark-Blower-160419-Guan-Xiao-ICA-0041

Ragna Bley at HESTER


Artist: Ragna Bley

Exhibition title: Pine Pitch

Venue: HESTER, New York, US

Date: April 29 – May 29, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and HESTER, New York