
Anton Munar and Aline Sofie Rainer at diez

Artists: Anton Munar and Aline Sofie Rainer

Exhibition title: some stories

Venue: diez, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Date: June 24 – August 7, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and diez, Amsterdam

part I

A dead butterflfly hangs on a thin line of spider web just outside my window. It has been hanging there for almost two weeks. I have not touched it nor thrown it out but I have considered them both.
The butterflfly is black with orange and white dots on its wings.

It does not wither, nor does it age.
At fifirst, one might think it was still alive. As if it decided to take a break from it all right outside my window. I see it every time I pull the blinds away, there it hangs solemnly. Its wings move only slightly in the wind as if even in death, it is trying to flfly. I wonder, if the web strangled the butterflfly to death. Now it comforts it like a shawl. They have almost become one.

part II

In the space between sea and land, I lie down in the ancient conversation between the two. As I listen in on their whispers, the waves break and leave behind the comforting taste of salt. Like the leaving behind of a long trail of secrets. In the space between two friends lie wonders. As in the space between a mountaintop and the sky.

From a distance, they draw the most sentimental line ever drawn. When we run our finger along the face of someone we love, it is a mountain range.
The butterfly and the spider web: one, the other’s confidante.
In the morning, I sit and listen in on the ancient conversation between the sea and the land.

Like lovers separated only by the narrow space between them. This is where I rest.

-text by Maya Zoe Saadon

Anton Munar and Aline Sofie Rainer, some stories, 2022, exhibition view, diez, Amsterdam

Anton Munar and Aline Sofie Rainer, some stories, 2022, exhibition view, diez, Amsterdam

Anton Munar and Aline Sofie Rainer, some stories, 2022, exhibition view, diez, Amsterdam

Anton Munar and Aline Sofie Rainer, some stories, 2022, exhibition view, diez, Amsterdam

Anton Munar and Aline Sofie Rainer, some stories, 2022, exhibition view, diez, Amsterdam

Anton Munar and Aline Sofie Rainer, some stories, 2022, exhibition view, diez, Amsterdam

Anton Munar and Aline Sofie Rainer, some stories, 2022, exhibition view, diez, Amsterdam

Anton Munar and Aline Sofie Rainer, some stories, 2022, exhibition view, diez, Amsterdam

Anton Munar and Aline Sofie Rainer, some stories, 2022, exhibition view, diez, Amsterdam

Anton Munar, Ante el umbral, dijiste (Before the threshold, you said), 2022, Oil on paper on found wood, 29 x 29 x 14 cm, 11.4 x 11.4 x 5.5 in

Anton Munar, Tumbada ante su retrato (Laying before his portrait), 2020-2022, Oil and charcoal on linen, 100 x 100 cm, 39.3 x 39.3 in

Aline Sofie Rainer, Die blaue Frau, 2022, Oil on canvas, 143 x 52 cm, 56.2 x 20.4 in

Aline Sofie Rainer, Das Rundfenster, 2021, oil on canvas, 48 x 39 cm, 18.9 x 15.3 in

Anton Munar, Son Verí de mi marés (Son Verí of my Marés), 2022, Chalk and distemper on linen, 215 x 170 cm, 84.6 x 66.9 in

Aline Sofie Rainer, Die Schattenfrau, 2021, oil on canvas, 55 x 44 cm, 32,5 x 20 in

Anton Munar, Vive para esto, para esto (Living for this, for this), 2018-2022, Oil, pencil and pastel on linen, 160 x 120 cm, 62.9 x 47.2 in

Aline Sofie Rainer, Gedanken, Erinnerungen und Träume, 2021, oil on canvas, 59 x 52 cm, 23.2 x 20.4 in

Aline Sofie Rainer, Spiral Staicase, 2020, Steel, 48 x 40 cm, 18.9 x 20 in

Aline Sofie Rainer, Spiral Staicase, 2020, Steel, 48 x 40 cm, 18.9 x 20 in

Anton Munar, Donde mis ojos se despiertan (Where my eyes wake up), 2022, Oil and pastel on linen, 70,5 x 23,5 cm, 27.7 x 9.2 in

Anton Munar, Viviendo aquí serías, fantasma de ti mismo (Living here you would be, a phantom of yourself), 2021, Oil and charcoal on linen, 41 x 28 cm, 16.1 x 11 in

Aline Sofie Rainer, Zuhause II, 2022, Steel, 59 x 35 x 15 cm, 23.2 x 13.7 x 5.9 in

Anton Munar, Son Verí de mi marés, despierto (Son Verí of my marés, awake), 2021 – 2022, Oil on linen, 41 x 28 cm, 16.1 x 11 in

Anton Munar, No importa la juventud (The youth is of no importance), 2022, Oil, pastel and distemper on linen, 35 x 27 cm, 13.7 x 10.6 in

Anton Munar, Sombra echa de luz (Shadow made of light), 2022, Oil, pencil and distemper on found wood, 40,5 x 25,5 cm, 15.9 x 10 in

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