
Anger Management at Komplot


Artists: We Are The Painters, Jakup Auce, Simon Rayssac, Jonas Locht, Filip Gilissen, Chris Lecler, Martin Bel- ou, Jean-Daniel Bourgeois, Grégoire Skensved, Philippe Van Wolputte, Gérard Meurant, Benny Van den Meulengracht-Vrancx, Jean-Pierre Bertrand, Frédéric Platéus, Alan Fertil & Damien Teixidor, Guillaume Ginet, Régis Jocteur Monrozier, Xavier Mary & Kasper Bosmans, Mathias Wille, Carl Palm, Présence Panchounette

Exhibition title: Anger Management

Curated by: Benjamin Jaubert

Venue: Komplot, Brussels, Belgium

Date: September 12 – October 24, 2015

Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Komplot, Brussels

Anger Management is an exhibition composed of more than twenty artists. Envisaged at the collective level as an urban parade, this is the forward march of a group of men on a mission with uncertain goals, the front line of a protest without a cause. At an individual level, there is a compromise between rebellion and ex- pression. The silent demonstration of a party without unity. Imbued with a penchant for dull stubbornness, and perhaps the eternal return of necessity. At a formal level, placid and perpetual as a series of oncoming waves frontally aligned, the works are encountered as a stationary battalion. The circled A of Attitude lead- ing us, are we fucking angry or at least creative?



Chris Lecler, Colonial Swag, 2015


Chris Lecler, Colonial Swag, 2015 (detail)


Chris Lecler, Colonial Swag, 2015 (detail)



4.Frédéric_Platéus_GSXR 1100 Latex Series_2015

Frédéric Platéus, GSXR 1100 Latex Series, 2015

4a.Frédéric_Platéus_GSXR 1100 Latex Series_2015

Frédéric Platéus, GSXR 1100 Latex Series, 2015 (detail)

5.Alan Fertil & Damien Texidor_Untitled_2015

Alan Fertil & Damien Texidor, Untitled, 2015

5a.Alan Fertil & Damien Texidor_Untitled_2015

Alan Fertil & Damien Texidor, Untitled, 2015 (detail)

5b.Alan Fertil & Damien Texidor_Untitled_2015_detail

Alan Fertil & Damien Texidor, Untitled, 2015 (detail)

6.Filip Gilissen_Say No To Normal_2015

6a.Filip Gilissen_Say No To Normal

Filip Gilissen, Say No To Normal, 2015

6b.Filip Gilissen_Say No To Normal

Filip Gilissen, Say No To Normal, 2015

7.Guillaume Ginet_Magna Mater_2015

Guillaume Ginet, Magna Mater, 2015

7a.Guillaume Ginet_Magna Mater_2015

Guillaume Ginet, Magna Mater, 2015

7a.Guillaume Ginet_Magna Mater_2015_detail

Guillaume Ginet, Magna Mater, 2015 (detail)

7b.Guillaume Ginet_Magna Mater_2015

Guillaume Ginet, Magna Mater, 2015 (detail)


8a.Benny Van Den Meulengracht-Vrancx_Dark Pond_2015

Benny Van Den Meulengracht-Vrancx, Dark Pond, 2015

8b.Benny Van Den Meulengracht-Vrancx_Dark Pond_2015

Benny Van Den Meulengracht-Vrancx, Dark Pond, 2015 (detail)

9.Carl Palm_Untitled_2015

Carl Palm, Untitled, 2015

9b.Carl Palm_Untitled_2015

Carl Palm, Untitled, 2015

9c.Carl Palm_Untitled_2015

Carl Palm, Untitled, 2015


11.Philippe Van Wolputte_How They Manage It_2015

Philippe Van Wolputte, How They Manage It, 2015

11a.Philippe Van Wolputte_How They Manage It_2015

Philippe Van Wolputte, How They Manage It, 2015

11b.Philippe Van Wolputte_How They Manage It_2015_detail

Philippe Van Wolputte, How They Manage It, 2015 (detail)

12.Jakup Auce_Our Comedies Are Nothing To Be Laughed At_2015

Jakup Auce, Our Comedies Are Nothing to Be Laughed At, 2015

12a.Jakup Auce_Our Comedies Are Nothing To Be Laughed At_2015_detail

Jakup Auce, Our Comedies Are Nothing to Be Laughed At, 2015 (detail)

13.Jean-Daniel Bourgeois_To Get Rid Of_2015

Jean-Daniel Bourgeois, to get rid of, 2015

13a.Jean-Daniel Bourgeois_To Get Rid Of_2015_detail

Jean-Daniel Bourgeois, to get rid of, 2015 (detail)

13b.Jean-Daniel Bourgeois_To Get Rid Of_2015

Jean-Daniel Bourgeois, to get rid of, 2015 (detail)



15c.Grégoire Skensved_Salami Saliva Squirt_2015

Grégoire Skensved, Salami Saliva Squirt, 2015

15d.Grégoire Skensved_Salami Saliva Squirt_2015

Grégoire Skensved, Salami Saliva Squirt, 2015

16.We Are The Painters_Chaise bleue, Chaise verte, Chaise jaune_2015

We Are The Painters, Chaise bleue, Chaise verte, Chaise jaune, 2015



18.Jonas Locht_Dark Platter_2015

Jonas Locht, Dark Platter, 2015

18a.Jonas Locht_Dark Platter_2015_detail

Jonas Locht, Dark Platter, 2015 (detail)


19.Xavier Mary & Kasper Bosmans_Bojarck Horseman_2015

Xavier Mary & Kasper Bosmans, Bojack Horseman, 2015

19a.Xavier Mary & Kasper Bosmans_Bojarck Horseman_2015_detail

Xavier Mary & Kasper Bosmans, Bojack Horseman, 2015 (detail)

19b.Xavier Mary & Kasper Bosmans_Bojarck Horseman_2015_detail

Xavier Mary & Kasper Bosmans, Bojack Horseman, 2015 (detail)

20.Simon Raysacc_We We Paint (Rivière)_2015

Simon Rayssac, We We Paint  (Rivière), 2015

20a.Simon Raysacc_We We Paint (Rivière)_2015_detail

Simon Rayssac, We We Paint  (Rivière), 2015 (detail)

20b.Simon Raysacc_European Painters_2015

Simon Rayssac, 15b European Painters, 2015 (detail)

21 Régis Jocteur Monrozier_Bathroom Vanity For A Mouse_2015

Régis Jocteur Monrozier, Bathroom Vanity For A Mouse, 2015

21a. Régis Jocteur Monrozier_Bathroom Vanity For A Mouse_2015_detail

Régis Jocteur Monrozier, Bathroom Vanity For A Mouse, 2015 (detail)

21b. Régis Jocteur Monrozier_Bathroom Vanity For A Mouse_2015_detail

Régis Jocteur Monrozier, Bathroom Vanity For A Mouse, 2015 (detail)

21c. Régis Jocteur Monrozier_Bathroom Vanity For A Mouse_2015_detail

Régis Jocteur Monrozier, Bathroom Vanity For A Mouse, 2015 (detail)

22.Martin Belou_Margaux's Nipple And Other Interest_2015

Martin Belou, Margaux’s  Nipple And Other Interest, 2015

22a.Martin Belou_Margaux's Nipple And Other Interest_2015_detail

Martin Belou, Margaux’s  Nipple And Other Interest, 2015 (detail)

22b.Martin Belou_Margaux's Nipple And Other Interest_2015_detail

Martin Belou, Margaux’s  Nipple And Other Interest, 2015 (detail)



24. Jean-Pierre Bertrand_Cut_Dad's Balls 24_2015

24a. Jean-Pierre Bertrand_Dad's Balls 24_2015

Jean-Pierre Bertrand, Dad’s balls 24, 2015 (detail)

24b. Jean-Pierre Bertrand_Endless Fall_2015

Jean-Pierre Bertrand, Endless Fall, 2015

25.Présence Panchounette, _La Trace est pour elle-même elle n'inscrit aucune surface_ A.Kirili_1975-78_Loan from Mr Éric Fabre

Présence Panchounette, “La trace est pour elle-même : elle n’inscrit aucune surface” , A.Kirili, 1975-78


27.Gérard Meurant_Untitled Memory_2015

Gérard Meurant, Untitled Memory, 2015

27a.Gérard Meurant_Untitled Memory_2015_detail

Gérard Meurant, Untitled Memory, 2015


29. Mathias Wille_Laurence_2015

Mathias Wille, Laurence, 2015

29a. Mathias Wille_Laurence_2015

Mathias Wille, Laurence, 2015 (detail)

29c. Mathias Wille_Laurence_2015

Mathias Wille, Laurence, 2015

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