Artist: Angelika Loderer
Exhibition title: Night pieces
Venue: Sophie Tappeiner, Vienna, Austria
Date: January 22 – March 7, 2020
Photography: Kunst-dokumentation / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Sophie Tappeiner, Vienna
I came looking for you
not knowing you
Assuming you didn’t move too much
solid and firm
I found traces
You feel so public
You feel so sad
Once public is not enough
I captured you
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Angelika Loderer, Night Pieces, exhibition view, Sophie Tappeiner, 2020
Angelika Loderer, Night Pieces (icicles 257), aluminium and graphite, 300 x 257 x 80 cm (detail)
Angelika Loderer, Night Pieces, exhibition view, Sophie Tappeiner, 2020
Angelika Loderer, Scatterpiece (picknick), 2020, fabric, plaster, plactic, sand, 400 x 250 cm
Angelika Loderer, Scatterpiece (picknick), 2020 (detail)
Angelika Loderer, Night Pieces, exhibition view, Sophie Tappeiner, 2020
Angelika Loderer, Night Pieces, exhibition view, Sophie Tappeiner, 2020
Angelika Loderer, Space between a kiss (4), 2020, aluminium, 111 x 12 x 12 cm (detail)
Angelika Loderer, Night Pieces, exhibition view, Sophie Tappeiner, 2020
Angelika Loderer, Quiet Fonts, 2020, paper, sand, dimensions variable
Angelika Loderer, Quiet Fonts, 2020 (detail)
a Angelika Loderer, Night Pieces (Blind Dates), 2020, Back Cover
Angelika Loderer, Night Pieces (Blind Dates), 2020, Front Cover of the record
Angelika Loderer, Collected Feelings, 2020, 8 rings, cardboard, dimensions variable
Angelika Loderer, Night Pieces (icicles 226), 2020, aluminium, graphite, 345 x 256 x 80 cm
Angelika Loderer, Night Pieces, exhibition view, Sophie Tappeiner, 2020
Angelika Loderer, Night Pieces, exhibition view, Sophie Tappeiner, 2020
Angelika Loderer, Untitled (Book) 2009-2019, 2020