
Always Thinking Like A Scrim Part 2 at Shimmer

Artists: Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Cihad Caner, Daniel Giles, Hana Miletić, Lotus L. Kang, Tenant of Culture

Exhibition title: Always Thinking Like A Scrim Part 2

Curated by: Shimmer (Eloise Sweetman and Jason Hendrik Hansma)

Venue: Shimmer, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Date: June 16 – August 11, 2024

Photography: Jhoeko / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Shimmer, Rotterdam

Note: Exhibition text is available here

Always Thinking Like A Scrim Part 2, 2024, exhibition view, Shimmer, Rotterdam
Always Thinking Like A Scrim Part 2, 2024, exhibition view, Shimmer, Rotterdam
Always Thinking Like A Scrim Part 2, 2024, exhibition view, Shimmer, Rotterdam
Always Thinking Like A Scrim Part 2, 2024, exhibition view, Shimmer, Rotterdam
Always Thinking Like A Scrim Part 2, 2024, exhibition view, Shimmer, Rotterdam
Always Thinking Like A Scrim Part 2, 2024, exhibition view, Shimmer, Rotterdam
Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Wall Necklace Piece (otherworldly I), 2022, Chains and snap hooks, 280 cm x 170 cm x 220 cm, Courtesy of the artists and Marcelle Alix, Paris
Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Wall Necklace Piece (otherworldly I), 2022, Chains and snap hooks, 280 cm x 170 cm x 220 cm, Courtesy of the artists and Marcelle Alix, Paris
Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Wall Necklace Piece (otherworldly I), 2022, Chains and snap hooks, 280 cm x 170 cm x 220 cm, Courtesy of the artists and Marcelle Alix, Paris
Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Wall Necklace Piece (otherworldly I), 2022, Chains and snap hooks, 280 cm x 170 cm x 220 cm, Courtesy of the artists and Marcelle Alix, Paris
Always Thinking Like A Scrim Part 2, 2024, exhibition view, Shimmer, Rotterdam
Always Thinking Like A Scrim Part 2, 2024, exhibition view, Shimmer, Rotterdam
Cihad Caner, What happens to the geographical borders when the land itself moves (2016-2017), Video, approx. 4 mins 23 secs, Courtesy of the artist
Cihad Caner, What happens to the geographical borders when the land itself moves (2016-2017), Video, approx. 4 mins 23 secs, Courtesy of the artist
Cihad Caner, What happens to the geographical borders when the land itself moves (2016-2017), Video, approx. 4 mins 23 secs, Courtesy of the artist
Cihad Caner, What happens to the geographical borders when the land itself moves (2016-2017), Video, approx. 4 mins 23 secs, Courtesy of the artist
Always Thinking Like A Scrim Part 2, 2024, exhibition view, Shimmer, Rotterdam
Daniel Giles, Untitled (white pictures), 2024, Modeling paste, acrylic paint, India ink, graphite powder on primed cotton duck canvas, 75 cm x 114.5 cm, Courtesy of the artist
Lotus L. Kang, Receiver Transmitter (Root), 2023, Tatami mat, pigmented silicone, cast aluminum lotus tubers, cast bronze lotus tubers, construction sac, Dimensions variable, Courtesy of the artist and Commonwealth and Council, Los Angeles
Lotus L. Kang, Receiver Transmitter (Root), 2023, Tatami mat, pigmented silicone, cast aluminum lotus tubers, cast bronze lotus tubers, construction sac, Dimensions variable, Courtesy of the artist and Commonwealth and Council, Los Angeles
Always Thinking Like A Scrim Part 2, 2024, exhibition view, Shimmer, Rotterdam
Tenant of Culture, Dry Fit (Series), 2022, Recycled outerwear and sportswear, elastic, toggles, thread, fabric, 400 cm x 330 cm, dimensions variable, Courtesy of the artist and Fons Welters, Amsterdam
Tenant of Culture, Dry Fit (Series), 2022, Recycled outerwear and sportswear, elastic, toggles, thread, fabric, 400 cm x 330 cm, dimensions variable, Courtesy of the artist and Fons Welters, Amsterdam
Tenant of Culture, Dry Fit (Series), 2022, Recycled outerwear and sportswear, elastic, toggles, thread, fabric, 400 cm x 330 cm, dimensions variable, Courtesy of the artist and Fons Welters, Amsterdam
Tenant of Culture, Dry Fit (Series), 2022, Recycled outerwear and sportswear, elastic, toggles, thread, fabric, 400 cm x 330 cm, dimensions variable, Courtesy of the artist and Fons Welters, Amsterdam
Tenant of Culture, Dry Fit (Series), 2022, Recycled outerwear and sportswear, elastic, toggles, thread, fabric, 400 cm x 330 cm, dimensions variable, Courtesy of the artist and Fons Welters, Amsterdam
Always Thinking Like A Scrim Part 2, 2024, exhibition view, Shimmer, Rotterdam

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