Almost Samhain at Annex de Odelon

Artists: Guardian Angel School, Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, Iain McDavid, Michelle Uckotter, Mario Miron, Joe Speier, Chris Peckham, Eva Nelson, Sylvie-Hayes Wallace, Molly Rose Lieberman, Joel Dean, Robin Hope

Exhibition title: Almost Samhain

Curated by: Mario Miron and Zoe Brezsny

Venue: Annex de Odelon, New York, US

Date: October 23, 2021 – March 23, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Annex de Odelon, New York

On view at Annex de Odelon is the inaugural group show Almost Samhain featuring the work of artists Guardian Angel School, Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, lain McDavid, Michelle Uckotter, Mario Miron, Joe Speier, Chris Peckham, Eva Nelson, Sylvie-Hayes Wallace, Molly Rose Lieberman, Joel Dean and Robin Hope.

I consume something

floating          in the ether

Wells Fargo Bank  Depressive silence

The healing power of gemstones and crystals

Save me now

A pixel filled watering hole

Summer of love 2021

Going hard

For what

Deep distance

Drifting and enduring

Astral projection or astral presence?


thru the bird chirping void

Sounds of the dawn

A cosmic song of regal majesty

“She’s a poet she’s a Passion flower”

Powerful beyond measure and there’s nothing you can do about it

Inner unquestionable

Truth and beauty

The vast cool shore

God is as shy as me and you

All you need to do

All you need to do

Is Type “I believe in myself’

Annex de Odelon is the curatorial project of Mario Miron and Zoe Brersny, an off-site gallery location in their Queens home. Email to make an appointment.

Chris Peckham, Untitled, Wax crayon, oil crayon, ink and pastel on museum board on wood support, 2021

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Chris Peckham, Untitled, Oil stick and graphite on paper, 2021

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Chris Peckham, Untitled, Oil stick and graphite on paper, 2021

Chris Peckham, Untitled, Oil stick and graphite on paper, 2021

Chris Peckham, Untitled, Oil stick and graphite on paper, 2021

Eva Nelson, Untitled, Graphite on paper, 2021

Eva Nelson, Untitled, Graphite on paper, 2021

Eva Nelson, Untitled, Graphite on paper, 2021

Eva Nelson, Untitled, Graphite on paper, 2021

Guardian Angel School, Wish Fulfillment, Leather, lace, buttons, polyester, metal trim, acrylic paint, brass stand, 2021

Guardian Angel School, Wish Fulfillment, Leather, lace, buttons, polyester, metal trim, acrylic paint, brass stand, 2021

Guardian Angel School, Wish Fulfillment, Leather, lace, buttons, polyester, metal trim, acrylic paint, brass stand, 2021

Guardian Angel School, Wish Fulfillment, Leather, lace, buttons, polyester, metal trim, acrylic paint, brass stand, 2021

Guardian Angel School, Wish Fulfillment, Leather, lace, buttons, polyester, metal trim, acrylic paint, brass stand, 2021

Guardian Angel School, Wish Fulfillment, Leather, lace, buttons, polyester, metal trim, acrylic paint, brass stand, 2021

Guardian Angel School, Wish Fulfillment, Leather, lace, buttons, polyester, metal trim, acrylic paint, brass stand, 2021

Guardian Angel School, Wish Fulfillment, Leather, lace, buttons, polyester, metal trim, acrylic paint, brass stand, 2021

Guardian Angel School, Wish Fulfillment, Leather, lace, buttons, polyester, metal trim, acrylic paint, brass stand, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, System of Transcendental Qabala (Cruciform), Mixed Media, 2021

Iain McDavid, Untitled, Acrylic on canvas, 2021

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Iain McDavid, Untitled, Acrylic on canvas, 2021

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Joe Speier, Millenial painting 9 (lovey poo), Acrylic medium, acrylic, glitter, ballpoint pen, and marker on canvas, 2021

Joel Dean, Once Upon a Time, Nail Wood, hammerhead, nail, 2019-2021

Joel Dean, Once Upon a Time, Nail Wood, hammerhead, nail, 2019-2021

Mario Miron, Life Tree, Watercolor and ink on paper, 2021

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Mario Miron, Life Tree, Watercolor and ink on paper, 2021

Michelle Uckotter, Leon, Oil pastel on wood panel, 2021

Michelle Uckotter, Leon, Oil pastel on wood panel, 2021

Michelle Uckotter, Leon, Oil pastel on wood panel, 2021

Molly Lieberman, Remedy, 4 x 6 photographs, 2021

Robin Hope, Canaries at the Source, Oil on glass, 2016

Almost Samhain, 2022, exhibition view, Annex de Odelon, New York

Sylvie Hayes-Wallace, Love Letter #2, Mesh, drawing, photograph, orange peel scrap, aquarium rocks, 2018

Sylvie Hayes-Wallace, Love Letter #2, Mesh, drawing, photograph, orange peel scrap, aquarium rocks, 2018

Sylvie Hayes-Wallace, Love Letter #2, Mesh, drawing, photograph, orange peel scrap, aquarium rocks, 2018