
Adam Cruces at Obst

Artist: Adam Cruces

Exhibition title: Gravity’s Accent

Venue: Obst, Chicago, US

Date: May 5 – May 12, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Obst, Chicago

Text (by Micah Schippa):

Alan Rickman: “Thanks so much for being here. Tell us a little about yourself.”

French Impressionist Landscape: (dramatically, slowly) “I am flowering, I am thirsty, I come to rule you. I have sustained your imaginations and adorned your museums all these years. I am the glistening prosaic ego­prostitute come to deliver you from yourselves”

AR: “You’ve kept us alive so that we can die at the proper moment?”

A jack­o­lantern floats by mysteriously, silently, seemingly unnoticed.

FIL: (chuckling) “What? How do you mean?”

AR: (raising his wand) “The ghosts have paid the bill, left the restaurant, they’ve made homes out of your flowers; you reek of death and it’s garbage day.”

There is a silence on set, a palpable discomfort is felt by all staff members. The cameramen stay focused on their subjects, pensive for the next utterance.

AR: “There is another soul inside you, or, that you have been given the memories of another man.”

FIL: “Maybe in order to conceive, and to steep ourselves in, unreality, we must have it constantly presented to our minds. The day we feel it, see it, everything becomes unreal, it’s that unreality which alone makes existence tolerable.”

AR: “Your fictions are like, so dubious”

AR, using magic, disappears into a Lexus.

FIL: (to AR’s empty chair) “Refinement is a sign of a deficient vitality, in art, in love, and in everything.” (chuckling) “I don’t know why I still do these fucking interviews.”

FIL and the empty chair; just two guys laughing out loud.

Adam Cruces, Baggage Tag, 2016, Acrylic on baggage tag, 6 x 10 x 20 cm

Adam Cruces, Energizer Batteries, 2016, Acrylic on AA batteries, 6 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm each; Signal Toothbrush, 2016, Acrylic on toothbrush, 1.5 x 1.5 x 20 cm

Adam Cruces, Tvingestin Ibuprofen, 2016, Acrylic on ibuprofen box, 10 x 7 x 2 cm; Winston Cigarettes, 2016, Acrylic on cigarettes package, 9 x 6 x 2 cm

Adam Cruces, Coca Cola, 2016, Acrylic on can, 7 x 10 x 13 cm

Adam Cruces, Watermelons, 2017, Acrylic and ink on PVC, 122 x 91 cm

Adam Cruces, Birds, 2017, Acrylic and ink on PVC, 122 x 91 cm

Adam Cruces, Flowers, 2017, Acrylic and ink on PVC, 122 x 91 cm

Adam Cruces, Instruments, 2017, Acrylic and ink on PVC, 122 x 91 cm

Adam Cruces, Eureka, 2017, Automatic feeder, apples, clay, Dimensions variable

Adam Cruces, Eureka, 2017, Automatic feeder, apples, clay, Dimensions variable

Adam Cruces, Eureka, 2017, Automatic feeder, apples, clay, Dimensions variable

Adam Cruces, Eureka, 2017, Automatic feeder, apples, clay, Dimensions variable

Adam Cruces, Eureka, 2017, Automatic feeder, apples, clay, Dimensions variable

Adam Cruces, Eureka, 2017, Automatic feeder, apples, clay, Dimensions variable

Adam Cruces, Eureka, 2017, Automatic feeder, apples, clay, Dimensions variable

Adam Cruces, Eureka, 2017, Automatic feeder, apples, clay, Dimensions variable

Adam Cruces, Eureka, 2017, Automatic feeder, apples, clay, Dimensions variable


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