Win McCarthy and Jasper Spicero at Rudolf Steiner Booksore

Artist: Win McCarthy and Jasper Spicero

Exhibition title: Introduction

Venue: Rudolf Steiner Booksore, New York, US

Date: March 15 – 18, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and DM Office

Just dying for that big, city feeling! It’s a new day, birds a-chirping, dump truck a-dumping, feet beating the streets. Big new day, big future, big wild world, lots to see and hear and smell, new names to learn for things and new people, how about new love and a nice bit of sunshine warming your cheeks, nice cup of coffee and a deep breath, not quite a sigh, mouth just mouthing out the shape of “w-o-w” and letting the air pass through it.

It’s madness!

All those feet, racing each other down the street. Vroom! My right foot racing my left. My feet racing your feet. Everybody’s feet moving at once, through the city, in so many directions.

Feet below heads full of strings and little pieces of chain, powering gears and mechanical parts that seem too old and slow for this world. Blank silhouettes with names. Feet and heads with peoples names. Names written on popsicle sticks, or sewn into shirt collars. Names in pockets, and scrawled across skin. Names all colliding, intersecting and unsorted.

Honestly, I envy the birds, lilting above, enjoying a total view. They see some continuity that I cannot.

I envy the trucks, careening down highways, their headlights cutting through the night, into the day. Some driven, sure, by anger and fear. Others by conviction, by ambition, or by pursuit. Driven, still, as if life were some great, big gathering of lessons and wisdoms.

Tell me something true?!

Injustice is true.
A rotten tooth, too, is true.
But, yes, I hear you.

Try to write:

“I fear I live in a poisoned world. Am I poison?”

Write something else:

“Sun rises after nighttime, falls after day.”

Dedicated to “Foot” (9/9/99 – 10/10/16

Introduction by Win & Jasper, installation view, 2018

Introduction by Win & Jasper, installation view, 2018

Win McCarthy, New Models (dummy view), 2018, Muslin and velvet dummy, glass, doorknob, foamcore, plywood, paint, foot, Dimensions variable

Jasper Spicero, The Helpful Proctor, 2018, Cart, wooden bird, interior house paint, clothing, 3d printed plastic, paper, wire, 42 x 18 x 29.5 inches; Win McCarthy, Frank, 2018, Glass, sting, wood, undershirt, Dimensions variable

Introduction by Win & Jasper, installation views, 2018

Introduction by Win & Jasper, installation views, 2018

Introduction by Win & Jasper, installation views, 2018

Introduction by Win & Jasper, installation views, 2018

Win McCarthy, Big City Feeling, 2018, Muslin and velvet dummy, glass, photo, plywood, white paint, lamp, and three feet, Dimensions variable

Introduction by Win & Jasper, installation views, 2018

Introduction by Win & Jasper, installation views, 2018

Introduction by Win & Jasper, installation views, 2018

Introduction by Win & Jasper, installation views, 2018

Introduction by Win & Jasper, installation views, 2018

Jasper Spicero, The Silent Wooden Driver, 2018, Wooden desk, custom pool cue, Ariel jewelry, 3D printed plastic, buttons, solder, plastic organizer lid, miniature pool balls, interior house paint, hardware, 40 x 20 x 56 inches