
Rachel de Joode at Kunstfort

Artist: Rachel de Joode

Exhibition title: Flat Nature / Surface Bodies

Venue: Kunstfort, Vijfhuizen, The Ne­ther­lands

Date: October 1 – December 17, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Kunstfort

Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen proudly pre­sents Rachel de Joode – Flat Nature / Surface Bodies. In the “Ge­nieloods” and on the is­land, Rachel de Joode (NL, 1979 – lives in Berlin) shows a com­pre­hen­sive ex­hi­bi­tion of new work, in­cluding five out­door sculp­tures.

De Joode was one of the first to com­bine sculp­tural ob­jects and pho­to­graphic prints with ref­er­ence to in­ternet aes­thetics. The artist is known for her “sculp­tural pho­tog­raphy”, for which she prints and cuts pic­tures of nat­ural ma­te­rials in or­ganic forms.

Re­cently De Joode de­vel­oped new works in which only the sculp­tural frame is left. The flat ob­jects in public space res­onate with the om­nipres­ence of image in our con­tem­po­rary so­ciety, but also with the plane sur­round­ings of the Kunstfort. The land­scape be­comes a “bühne”, in which De Joode’s im­ages take the lead. But to what ex­tent will na­ture let re­duce it­self to just a frame?

Fes­tive opening on Sunday, Oc­tober 1, 15.00. Opening speech 15.30 fol­lowed by drinks and music by Abel Minnée

Tuesday 28 No­vember 19.30 From pic­ture to image: public pro­gram with Rachel de Joode and artist duo It­sour­play­ground (Camille Le Houezec and Joey Ville­mont).

Also opening on Oc­tober 1: Kim David Bots – The Rant, Toon Fibbe & Laura Wiedijk – Cloning the Ghost, Sara Ka­mal­vand – The Teheran Garden Fes­tival (i.c.w. Mah­moud Bakhshi). In­ter­ven­tions are on show by Jan Hoek and An­nika Kappner. Kunstfort Pro­jects pre­sents BEE HE­ROES.

With thanks to the Mon­driaan Fund, the mu­nic­i­pality of Haar­lem­mer­meer and Provincie Noord-Hol­land.

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