
Xim Llompart at Galería Fran Reus

Artist: Xim Llompart

Exhibition title: Flujo Imperfecto

Venue: Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca, Spain

Date: June – September, 2020

Photography: Grimalt de Blanch / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca

In a context of hyperconnected societies, where the distant becomes closer and the closer more invisible, turning the earth into a kind of non-place. “Flujo Imperfecto” arises from a personal experience during a stay in Senegal and revolves around the virtuality of the body, the flow of information, and space.

Xim Llompart, Flujo Imperfecto, 2020, exhibition view, Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca

Xim Llompart, Un selfie en mi galería (2020), Glicée print on cotton argon paper, frame intervened with dyes, 165 x 110 cm

Xim Llompart, Ciudades de arcilla y metal (2020), Corrugated steel rods, image on paper, clay and speaker with audio reproduction via Internet, 220 x 220 x 80 cm

Xim Llompart, Ciudades de arcilla y metal (2020), Corrugated steel rods, image on paper, clay and speaker with audio reproduction via Internet, 220 x 220 x 80 cm

Xim Llompart, Arcilla, luz y superficie Specific intervention with clay on exterior window, Variable measures

Xim Llompart, Tacos (2020), Air-dried clay tile, 34 x 32 cm.

Xim Llompart, Flujo imperfecto (2019), Corrugated steel rods, image printing on paper and vessel, 94 x 80 x 35 cm

Xim Llompart, Flujo imperfecto (2019), Corrugated steel rods, image printing on paper and vessel, 94 x 80 x 35 cm

Xim Llompart, Flujo Imperfecto, 2020, exhibition view, Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca

Xim Llompart, Non stop ráfaga (2020), Audiovisual and sculptural installation of various materials. Variable measures

Xim Llompart, Non stop ráfaga (2020), Audiovisual and sculptural installation of various materials. Variable measures

Xim Llompart, Non stop ráfaga (2020), Audiovisual and sculptural installation of various materials. Variable measures

Xim Llompart, Non stop ráfaga (2020), Audiovisual and sculptural installation of various materials. Variable measures

Xim Llompart, Cobertizo y vasija (2019), Corrugated rod and vessel, 50 x 90 x 46 cm

Xim Llompart, Figuras negras y rojas (2020), Wooden board intervened with latex and silicone, 70 x 50 cm.

Xim Llompart, Onda y arcilla (2019), Corrugated steel rod intervened with clay, 85 x 10 x 5 cm

Xim Llompart, Flujo Imperfecto, 2020, exhibition view, Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca

Xim Llompart, Placa y vasijas (2019), Corrugated iron rods and vessel., 180 x 96 cm

Xim Llompart, Pletinas encontradas (2019), Metal plates and vessel, 80 x 20 cm

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