
Whiskers by the Name of Lilacs at Galerie Rianne Groen

20 perri mackenzie, read pool, 2015

Artists: Perri MacKenzie, Charlott Weise and Angharad Williams

Exhibition title: Whiskers by the Name of Lilacs

Curated by: Kevin Gallagher

Venue: Galerie Rianne Groen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Date: June 10 – July 2, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Galerie Rianne Groen

Perfumed like a pit of decaying fruit, an orchid shapes its petals as a voluptuous insect. It’s time to make love. Representing is re-making. In the construction of fly fishing lures, it isn’t important to mimic the shape of the bug, but rather to accentuate its effects. Recognition is a flapping. He looks nothing like me, he thinks. Bearded, short, freckled skin… he stinks nothing like me. I turn his face around in my head like a ball of wet clay. Like a butter cat. The study was a disaster until they realized that sheep were perfectly good at recognizing the faces of other sheep. The Contourtionists: She don’t respect linear boundaries. He don’t respect faces and names. It don’t live, it represents. You don’t see me, just my dusty freckled cloud. Because color is isn’t a form, and landscape is isn’t a body and architecture is isn’t drunk. And my whiskers are a sensual tool.


The group exhibition Whiskers by the Name of Lilacs takes its name from a series of poems written by Carl Sandberg in 1920 in New York. Perri MacKenzie (UK) received her Master of Fine Arts from the Piet Zwart Institute in 2014. Charlott Weise (Germany) studied at the Dresden Academy of Fine Art and at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. She is currently a resident at De Ateliers. Angharad Williams (UK) is graduating this year from the Piet Zwart Institute.

1 install

2 install

3 install

4 install

5 install

6 charlott weise,untitled,2016

Charlott Weise, untitled, 2016. Ink on Ingres paper, 30 x 23 cm

7 angharad williams,Antennae,EXZ,Cradle 2016

Angharad Williams, Antennae, 2016. Glazed ceramics
Angharad Williams, EXZ, 2016. Glazed ceramics
Angharad Williams, Cradle, 2016. Air drying clay, cardboard, mod roc, plaster, bitumen, acrylic, gloss paint, icing sugar, unglazed ceramic, nail, spray paint, hair, wire, ball bearings (on table)

8 angharad williams, cradle, 2016

Angharad Williams, Cradle, 2016. Air drying clay, cardboard, mod roc, plaster, bitumen, acrylic, gloss paint, icing sugar, unglazed ceramic, nail, spray paint, hair, wire, ball bearings (on table)

9 perri mackenzie,engulfer,2015

Perri MacKenzie, Engulfer, 2015. Flashe on canvas, 150 x 125 cm

10 install

11 charlott weise, untitled, 2016

Charlott Weise, untitled, 2016. Ink on Ingres paper, 30 x 23 cm

12 charlott weise, untitled, 2016

Charlott Weise, untitled, 2016. Ink on Ingres paper, 30 x 23 cm

13 install

14 install

15 install

16 perri mackenzie, landscape, 2016

Perri MacKenzie, Landscape, 2016. Oil and Flashe on canvas, 90 x 190 cm

17 charlott weise, giant girl, 2016

Charlott Weise, Giant Girl, 2016. Textile paint and ink on canvas, 475 x 215 cm

18 angharad williams, scalp, 2016

Angharad Williams, Scalp, 2016. Chicken wire, plaster, glue, paper, unglazed ceramic

19 angharad williams, scalp, 2016

Angharad Williams, Scalp, 2016. Chicken wire, plaster, glue, paper, unglazed ceramic

20 perri mackenzie, read pool, 2015

Perri MacKenzie, Read pool, 2015, Flashe on canvas, 150 x 125 cm

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