
When the time swirls, when it turns into a black hole at Futura

Artists: O.B.De Alessi, Michael Salerno, Thomas Moore, Dennis Cooper, Laura Gozlan, Radek Brousil, Darja Bajagić

Exhibition title: When the time swirls, when it turns into a black hole

Curated by: Maija Rudovska

Venue: Futura, Prague, The Czech Republic

Date: December 4, 2019 – February 16, 2020

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Futura

The walls are pulsing
Haunting desires of strangers
Bodies start to merge *

The itching, uncomfortable, alien feeling in your body, when it’s carried through a dark tunnel of change, the turbulence the movement creates, the hallucinating vision you attain, the intolerable state that causes pain and misery combined with lucid longing.

I wanted to stage the experience of adolescence, the dreams and nightmares that one experiences when transitioning from one place to another – the awkwardness, the uncanniness and darkness this journey comprises. Adolescence is a season of fast-paced development – moral, social, physical, cognitive, and emotional transformation. Imagine a body, – a distorted body, half of the body, parts of a body, an unpleasant body, a beautiful body, an ugly body… can you tolerate it? It’s both scary and captivating in its strangeness and alienness.

The mindset of a teenager – how does it manifest itself? Is it a grotesque picture of reality? The imagination gone wrong or just wild? Another reality? I wanted to explore the subject of fear and horror during the states of transition and change, – the way they become alternate states for expression, resistance and even healing. What pathway they have and what footprint they leave. The poetics, humour and unpleasantness they entail. A teenager’s mind can be a portrait of a decade or a time, pointing to the power of transformative strength that goes alongside the chaotic dynamics characteristic of the times we live in. It can be also a space and a place for (imagined) language. Futura Gallery’s space, the basement, ofers a body for scenography and dramaturgy to this subject. The presence of a body as real (physical) and symbolic (psychological) is situated there in conversation with the language of architecture, revealing itself in various gestures and appearances.

-Maija Rudovska

*Thomas Moore, When People Die, 2018, published by Kiddiepunk

Thomas Moore, from the book “When People Die” (2018), Wall inscription by Radek Brousil (2019)

Darja Bajagić, Sample XXX Puzzle– Pin-up LandTM Cum-centration, (2013)

Darja Bajagić, Sample XXX Puzzle– Pin-up LandTM Cum-centration, (2013)

Laura Gozlan, Juveniles, Installation, variable dimensions, Metal structures, wax, dye, glassfiber, Acrystal resin, plaster, clamps, video loop on lcd display, stereo, sound piece, stereo (2019)

Laura Gozlan, Juveniles, Installation, variable dimensions, Metal structures, wax, dye, glassfiber, Acrystal resin, plaster, clamps, video loop on lcd display, stereo, sound piece, stereo (2019)

Laura Gozlan, Juveniles, Installation, variable dimensions, Metal structures, wax, dye, glassfiber, Acrystal resin, plaster, clamps, video loop on lcd display, stereo, sound piece, stereo (2019)

Laura Gozlan, Juveniles, Installation, variable dimensions, Metal structures, wax, dye, glassfiber, Acrystal resin, plaster, clamps, video loop on lcd display, stereo, sound piece, stereo (2019)

Laura Gozlan, Juveniles, Installation, variable dimensions, Metal structures, wax, dye, glassfiber, Acrystal resin, plaster, clamps, video loop on lcd display, stereo, sound piece, stereo (2019)

Laura Gozlan, Juveniles, Installation, variable dimensions, Metal structures, wax, dye, glassfiber, Acrystal resin, plaster, clamps, video loop on lcd display, stereo, sound piece, stereo (2019)

Laura Gozlan, Juveniles, Installation, variable dimensions, Metal structures, wax, dye, glassfiber, Acrystal resin, plaster, clamps, video loop on lcd display, stereo, sound piece, stereo (2019)

Laura Gozlan, Juveniles, Installation, variable dimensions, Metal structures, wax, dye, glassfiber, Acrystal resin, plaster, clamps, video loop on lcd display, stereo, sound piece, stereo (2019)

Laura Gozlan, Juveniles, Installation, variable dimensions, Metal structures, wax, dye, glassfiber, Acrystal resin, plaster, clamps, video loop on lcd display, stereo, sound piece, stereo (2019)

Laura Gozlan, Juveniles, Installation, variable dimensions, Metal structures, wax, dye, glassfiber, Acrystal resin, plaster, clamps, video loop on lcd display, stereo, sound piece, stereo (2019)

Laura Gozlan, Juveniles, Installation, variable dimensions, Metal structures, wax, dye, glassfiber, Acrystal resin, plaster, clamps, video loop on lcd display, stereo, sound piece, stereo (2019)

Dennis Cooper, Zac’s Haunted House, a GIF novel (2015)

O.B. de Alessi, My Little Room (2019)

O.B. de Alessi, My Little Room (2019)

Michael Salerno, Archive (2019)

Michael Salerno, Archive (2019)

Michael Salerno, Untitled, photographs from the series Home (2013)

Michael Salerno, Untitled, photographs from the series Home (2013)

Darja Bajagić, Amazing girls. With wonderful personalities. There saints. Talk to them about life. Love. Politics (2015)

Darja Bajagić, Amazing girls. With wonderful personalities. There saints. Talk to them about life. Love. Politics (2015)

Radek Brousil, The Imagery of Cry on Demand (2019)

Radek Brousil, The Imagery of Cry on Demand (2019)

Radek Brousil, The Imagery of Cry on Demand (2019)

Radek Brousil, The Imagery of Cry on Demand (2019)

Radek Brousil, The Imagery of Cry on Demand (2019)

Radek Brousil, The Imagery of Cry on Demand (2019)

Radek Brousil, The Imagery of Cry on Demand (2019)

Radek Brousil, The Imagery of Cry on Demand (2019)

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