
Tild Greene at Stereo

Artist: Tild Greene

Exhibition title: Recital

Venue: Stereo, Warsaw, Poland

Date: June 3 – July 29, 2023

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Stereo

Tild Greene (b. 1994, UK, lives and works in Amsterdam) works within the area of sculpture and writing; through subjects of mythology, utility, class, grief, and gender, they consider categories and assumptions. What does a body need in order to utilize itself? What is the extent of a body? Using found objects (mostly garments, sports equipment, and hardware) and altering them through sculptural processes Greene creates homemade tools reflecting the primal human need for achievement (broadly understood): I want the work to relay a body that is attempting to achieve something. I want the objects I make to look like tools that mirror and support this endeavor, as they say in their statement. I tend to turn to the side effects of a process with material, one that I have implemented or one that already exists in the material when I found it. Through this, I consider the side effects of a lived experience on the body. In my work, I aim to repurpose these side effects into new potentials with supplemental logic and cognition.

For the “Recital” Greene considers the effects of repetition within behavioral habits and the stereotyping of a body. In turn, questioning how repetition is potentially the cause of change. Greene references the animalistic roots of responsive patterns. Giving prominence to themes of growth, collectivity, exhaustion, and perseverance, all in order to celebrate the capability of a body and what it could potentially endure.

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