
The Hand Refrains at MAUVE

Artists: Stefan Fuchs, Carl Mannov, Evelyn Plaschg, Laura Yuile

Exhibition title: The Hand Refrains

Venue: MAUVE, Vienna, Austria

Date: September 8 – October 6, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and MAUVE, Vienna

The Hand Refrains assesses the relationship between artists, their work and the viewer. The group exhibition shows different approaches to artworks using figuration. In the pieces, figures are not only depicted, the artworks themselves actively become figures, by assuming the position of the artist’s avatar or that of a creature looking back at you.

“The hand refrains” is also a quote from the 1922 William Morris poem about the legendary artist Pygmalion and his relationship to Galatea.

The Hand Refrains, 2017, exhibition view, MAUVE, Vienna

The Hand Refrains, 2017, exhibition view, MAUVE, Vienna

The Hand Refrains, 2017, exhibition view, MAUVE, Vienna

The Hand Refrains, 2017, exhibition view, MAUVE, Vienna

The Hand Refrains, 2017, exhibition view, MAUVE, Vienna

The Hand Refrains, 2017, exhibition view, MAUVE, Vienna

The Hand Refrains, 2017, exhibition view, MAUVE, Vienna

The Hand Refrains, 2017, exhibition view, MAUVE, Vienna

The Hand Refrains, 2017, exhibition view, MAUVE, Vienna

The Hand Refrains, 2017, exhibition view, MAUVE, Vienna

The Hand Refrains, 2017, exhibition view, MAUVE, Vienna

Laura Yuile, Family Figure #2, 2017, Peppermint and eucalyptus soap, dust and dirt from “The Street”,Westfield Stratford, lint from my neighbour’s clothing, pumice powder, steel, chair from Lukas’ and Titania’s studio water, glass wax, small chrome shelving unit, small red sofa, small hi-fi system, small kitchen sink unit, small toilet

Laura Yuile, Family Figure #2, 2017, Peppermint and eucalyptus soap, dust and dirt from “The Street”,Westfield Stratford, lint from my neighbour’s clothing, pumice powder, steel, chair from Lukas’ and Titania’s studio water, glass wax, small chrome shelving unit, small red sofa, small hi-fi system, small kitchen sink unit, small toilet

Carl Mannov, Untitled I-IV, 2017, Oil pastel and lacquer on cotton

Carl Mannov, Untitled I-IV, 2017, Oil pastel and lacquer on cotton

Carl Mannov, Untitled I-IV, 2017, Oil pastel and lacquer on cotton

Stefan Fuchs, Erholungsraum Stadt 2017 I-III, Acrylic, canvas, acrystal, wood / Acrystal, wood

Stefan Fuchs, Erholungsraum Stadt 2017 I-III, Acrylic, canvas, acrystal, wood / Acrystal, wood

Stefan Fuchs, Erholungsraum Stadt 2017 I-III, Acrylic, canvas, acrystal, wood / Acrystal, wood

Evelyn Plaschg, The Species of Approachers (Figure 1), 2017, Watercolour on cotton.

Evelyn Plaschg, The Species of Approachers (Anja), 2017, Watercolour on cotton

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March 11, 2017