Artists: Andrea Canepa, Irene Grau, Juan Sánchez, Lluc Mayol, Lorenzo Sandoval, Manu Blázquez, Nuria Fuster, selection of artworks from the IVAM collection
Exhibition title: The achievement society
Curated by: Sandra Moros
Venue: IVAM ALCOI, Alcoi, Spain
Date: November, 2019 – September, 2020
Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and IVAM ALCOI
The exhibition is about the concept of the achievement society, as defined by Byung-Chul Han and other authors. A society that concentrates on production as a self-imposed objective, in which the positivity of can rises above the negativity of should that was derived from the earlier paradigm developed in what Michel Foucault called the disciplinary society.
The artists and the works selected offer reflections about various aspects that we may associate with the achievement society, such as the organisation of society derived from the world of work, education, the concepts of tension and balance or the redimensioning of time. In the exhibition, the artists Lorenzo Sandoval, Irene Grau, Lluc Mayol, Nuria Fuster, Juan Sánchez, Andrea Canepa and Manu Blázquez show that they belong to a generation that has experienced a time of crisis at an important point in their personal and professional development, a crisis that seems never-ending and that has brought with it a reappraisal of our values and our ways of life.
The place where the exhibition is being presented, IVAM Alcoi, is important. Alcoi is a town with a significant industrial past that has had a considerable influence on its subsequent development. This industrial past, especially the part connected with the textile industry, is the reason for taking Alcoi as a reference point for the projects developed by these artists, who in this way connect with their town, its social agents, its past and its present, thus showing that the place is something that extends beyond its physical location.
Lluc Mayol, SolMoon, 2019, expanded publication, wallpapers
Manu Blázquez, D759, 2018, hand cut paper; Irene Grau, estrecha borrosa orilla, 2019, photographs; Juan Sanchez, Trepar a lo más alto sobre Louise Bourgeois, Mona Hatoum y Anish Kapoor, 2018, video
Manu Blázquez, Abundante Amigable Compuesto, 2017-2018, 96 drawings
Irene Grau, estrecha borrosa orilla, 2019, photographs; Juan Sanchez, Trepar a lo más alto sobre Louise Bourgeois, Mona Hatoum y Anish Kapoor, 2018, video
Juan Sanchez, Forma autónoma blanca extranjera de clase trabajadora en un almacén británico, 2018, video, Desde las seis de la mañana creando, 2019, metal object, plastic tube and pills, Trepar a lo más alto sobre Louise Bourgeois, Mona Hatoum y Anish Kapoor, 2018, video
Juan Sanchez, Desde las seis de la mañana creando, 2019, metal object, plastic tube and pills
Manu Blázquez, D759, 2018, hand cut paper; Irene Grau, estrecha borrosa orilla, 2019, photographs
Nuria Fuster, Presionador II, 2013, Metal y basket ball, Efremidis gallery, Berlín; Playing Problems, 2015, 2 photos, Efremidis gallery, Berlín; The Burier, 2009, Metal, wood, fabric, objects, Efremidis gallery, Berlín
Nuria Fuster, Playing Problems, 2015, 2 photos, Efremidis gallery, Berlín
Andrea Canepa, Deactivated Play, 2019, installation; The Tale of the Mass, the Grid and the Mesh, 2019, video
Andrea Canepa, Deactivated Play, 2019, installation; The Tale of the Mass, the Grid and the Mesh, 2019, video
Nuria Fuster, The Burier, 2009, Metal, wood, fabric, objects, Efremidis gallery, Berlín; Bodegón, 2011, photography, Efremidis gallery, Berlín
Irene Grau, estrecha borrosa orilla, 2019, photographs
Lorenzo Sandoval, Shadow Writing (Fábrica Colectiva), 2019, installation, artworks from the IVAM collection, video, metal and textiles
Lorenzo Sandoval, Para toda clase, 2019, In collaboration with Texdencia (Casal Cutillas, Mínguez García, Olcina Benedito, Bielsa Casanova, Wang, García Muñoz, Montoya Vergara, Díaz Pérez, Vidal García, Maciá Vera, Palazej, Dalmau Hidalgo, Seco Baquero, Antelo Gutiérrez, Mira Penalva) Jacquard textiles, iron structures, 160x230x50 cm. Production: Departamento de Ingeniería Textil UPV Alcoy and Lebrel
Lorenzo Sandoval, Colección sobre colección (Ballester, Català Pic, Van Doesburg, Funke, Hamilton, Jímenez Espinosa, Klucis, Kulagina, Lissitsky/Roh/Tschichold, Monleón, Moholy-Nagy, Rössler, Renau, Stern, Zwart de la colección del IVAM sobre una conera del Archivo Municipal del Alcoy), 2019, Artworks from the collection from Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Generalitat Valenciana placed on a coning machine (a metal, wood and porcelain structure part of textile fabrication machines which provided the threaths), 500 x 105 x 200 cm
Lorenzo Sandoval, Colección sobre colección (Ballester, Català Pic, Van Doesburg, Funke, Hamilton, Jímenez Espinosa, Klucis, Kulagina, Lissitsky/Roh/Tschichold, Monleón, Moholy-Nagy, Rössler, Renau, Stern, Zwart de la colección del IVAM sobre una conera del Archivo Municipal del Alcoy), 2019, Artworks from the collection from Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Generalitat Valenciana placed on a coning machine (a metal, wood and porcelain structure part of textile fabrication machines which provided the threaths), 500 x 105 x 200 cm
Irene Grau, estrecha borrosa orilla, 2019, photographs
Irene Grau, estrecha borrosa orilla, 2019, photographs
Lluc Mayol, SolMoon, 2019, expanded publication, wallpapers; Irene Grau, estrecha borrosa orilla, 2019, photographs