Eggshell on Palm at Dvir Gallery

Artists: Nelly Agassi, Yossi Breger, Mircea Cantor, Latifa Echakhch, Sigalit Landau, Yudith Levin, Moshe Ninio, Ariel Schlesinger, Naama Tsabar, Bri Williams

Exhibition title: Eggshell on Palm

Venue: Dvir Gallery, Paris, France

Date: December 9, 2023 – January 13, 2024

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Dvir Gallery

Carmel at Dvir Gallery

Artists: Miroslaw Balka, Yossi Breger, Sigalit Landau, Yudith Levin, Barak Ravitz, David Reeb, Elham Rokni, Netally Schlosser, Tamar Getter

Exhibition title: Carmel

Venue: Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel

Date: April 10 – May 22, 2021

Photography: Elad Sarig / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Dvir Gallery