Harm van den Dorpel at Shimmer

Artist: Harm van den Dorpel

Exhibition title: World as Lover, World as Self (Chapter 2: A Field Without Boundaries by Harm van den Dorpel)

Curated by: Shimmer (Eloise Sweetman and Jason Hendrik Hansma)

Venue: Shimmer, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Date: February 5 – June 12, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Shimmer, Rotterdam


Artists: Clara Amaral, Enric Farrés Duran, Martijn in ‘t Veld, Maartje Fliervoet, Michiel Hilbrink, Francisca Khamis, Ignacio Gatica, Ilse van Rijn, Stéphanie Saadé, Martín La Roche, Dongyoung Lee

Exhibition title: SUSU – SUFFERIN’ SUCCOTASH

Curated by: Valeria Marchesini, Martin La Roche, Dongyoung Lee

Venue: Punt WG, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Date: May 8 – 30, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Punt WG, Amsterdam

Jacqueline de Jong at Dürst Britt & Mayhew

Artist: Jacqueline de Jong

Exhibition title: Plankenkoorts

Venue: Dürst Britt & Mayhew, The Hague, The Netherlands

Date: April 16 – June 13, 2021

Photography: Gert Jan van Rooij / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Dürst Britt & Mayhew, The Hague

Note: ‘The back(side) of painting’, a specially commissioned conversation by Anna Gritz, curator and writer at KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin is available here