Kasia Fudakowski at 1646

Artist: Kasia Fudakowski

Exhibition title: Elephant Juice

Venue: 1646, The Hague, The Netherlands

Date: December 14, 2018 – January 13, 2019

Photography: Jhoeko / images copyright and courtesy of the artist and 1646, The Hague. Credit Images ‘film stills’: courtesy ChertLüdde berlin

Blossom at Garage Rotterdam

Artists: Philip Janssens, Hans Köhler, Georg Nees, Sylvia Roubaud, Manfred Robert Schroeder, Samantha Thole, Edward Zajec, Vilko Žiljak

Exhibition title: Blossom

Curated by: Bas Hendrikx

Venue: Garage Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Date: November 16, 2018 – January 13, 2019

Photography: ©Charlotte Markus / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Garage Rotterdam