Derek Paul Boyle at Smart Objects

Artist: Derek Paul Boyle Exhibition title: Roleplay Venue: Smart Objects, Los Angeles, US Date: September 18 – October 16, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy the artist and Smart Objects, Los Angeles Roleplay sets objects as characters within the scenes of their creation. Things have become effigies of the images that represent them, offering a duality of … Read more

Adam Cruces at Smart Objects

Artist: Adam Cruces Exhibition title: Diet Sonata Venue:  Smart Objects, Los Angeles,US Date:  May 29 – July 2, 2015 Photography: images courtesy of the artist and Smart Objects, Los Angeles May all be well. Greetings to you, whoever you are. We come in friendship to those who are friends. How’s everyone? May all be very well. … Read more

Mitra Saboury at Smart Objects

Artist: Mitra Saboury Exhibition title: Touch Everything Venue:  Smart Objects, Los Angeles, US Date:  April 24 – May 22, 2015 Photography: images courtesy of the artist and Smart Objects, Los Angeles Punch the wall. Scrape it bruise it paint it wash it lick it. It’ll just stand there and take it. It might even enjoy it – … Read more

Armory Captures at Smart Objects

Artists: Josef Albers, Milton Avery, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Joseph Beuys, Guy Pène du Bois, Agostino Bonalumi, Alexander Calder, Giorgio de Chirico, George Condo, Le Corbusier, Joseph Cornell, Salvador Dali, Beauford Delaney, Jim Dine, Arthur Dove, Lucio Fontana, Helen Frankenthaler, Balcomb Greene, Keith Haring, Marsden Hartley, Damien Hirst, David Hockney, Hans Hoffman, Paul Klee, Willem de Kooning, … Read more